Talel AbdessalemProfessor
Dean of Research
Director of the LTCI Lab

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

I am currently a Professor at Télécom Paris, Director of the LTCI research laboratory since January 2017, and Director of Research at Télécom Paris since February 2018. I held the Big Data and Market Insights Chair at Télécom Paris from 2013 to 2017. Before that, I led several research actions on social networks (ANR-ISICIL project, 2009-2012), on version control for semi-structured documents (ANR-LPOD project, 2009-2011 and FEDER-DROD project, 2011-2013). My main research achievements are on version control (DBPL’97, DocEng’13), change detection and querying of XML documents (BDA’02, CIKM’08), information extraction from the structured web (VLDB’10, ICDE’12), and social networks analysis (DBSocial’11, WWW’11, CIKM’12, RSWeb’13). My current research interests are in recommender systems (RecSys’13, RecSys’15, RecSys’18) and predictive analytics. I participated in several national and European research projects (IP/FP7, ANR, FEDER, …). I supervised and co-supervised a dozen of Ph. D. students. I received a Habilitation degree (HDR) from the University Pierre & Marie Curie, a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University Paris-Dauphine. I spent two years as an assistant professor at the University Paris-Dauphine, before joining Telecom Paris (formerly ENST) in 1998.

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

Research interests

  • Large-scale data management and mining
  • Recommender systems and predictive analytics
  • Large graphs and social networks
  • Structured Web, information extraction, entity resolution
  • Uncertain data and crowdsourced data

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