Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Informatique et Réseaux (Infres)Computer Sciences and Networks (Infres)
After graduating from ENS Paris, Romain Alléaume has completed his PhD at University Paris VI and ENS Cachan in 2004, on experimental quantum cryptography with single-photon sources, he was the co-recipient of “magazine La Recherche” scientific prize 2004. He then joined Télécom Paris to coordinate of the work on QKD networks performed within the European FP6 project SECOQC that culminated by the first demonstration of a QKD network in Europe. Romain Alléaume co-founded the start-up company SeQureNet in 2008, who has developped the first commercial continous-variable QKD product, Cygnus, released in 2012. He participated to two national projects on quantum key distribution PROSPIQ (2006-2009) and SEQURE (2007-2010), as well as the French-Canadian project FREQUENCY dedicated fundamental research on quantum cryptography. Romain Alléaume then coordinated national and european projects, with an emphasis on QKD implementation security (FP7 Q-CERT, 2008-2012) and on the optical integration of QKD in telecommunications networks (French ANR Quantum-WDM, 2012-2015). He is also a member of the ETSI QKD Industry Standardization Group, and an active contributor to the international scientific and technical effort on QKD technology, and quantum cryptography.
Research interests :
His research is centered on quantum information and quantum cryptography, with a particular focus on optical quantum communications and quantum key distribution (QKD).
He is currently working on three main research projects
* Quantum coherent optical communications, with an emphasis on continuous-variable quantum key distribution, experimental system development and optical networking.
* Hybrid (quantum/computational) security models in quantum cryptography. The objective is to develop new protocols capable of offering long-term security guarantees – inaccessible with computational-only techniques – while presenting higher versatility, better performances and lower implementation complexity than QKD.
* Quantum information processing with multimode photonic technologies The objective is to leverage on some existing components developped for the telecom industry to process high-dimensional quantum states, encoded over frequency modes. Targeted applications range from quantum computing and quantum metrology to quantum cryptography.
Current Research grants:
* QCALL (Quantum Communications for all). 2017-2020
European Innovative Training Network (project 675662) funded by the Marie Sklodowska Curie Call H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015.
* CiViQ (Continuous Variable Quantum Communications). 2018-2021
Research and Innovation Action, Quantum Technology Flagship / Q communications pillar, (project No 820466).
* OPENQKD (Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed). 2019-2022
Research and Innovation Action, Quantum Technology Flagship (project in negotiation).
* Télécom Paris / Télécom Alumni: PhD grant on the convergence of classical and quantum coherent communications ( PhD applicant: Raphaël Aymeric, co-supervised with Cédric Ware). 2018-2021
Romain Alléaume presents here an overview of quantum computing and its applications, as well as the research conducted at Télécom Paris in quantum cryptography, the convergence between quantum information, optical communications, and cryptography and coding problems.

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