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Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Cybersécurité et Cryptographie (C²)Cybersecurity and Cryptography (C²)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Informatique et Réseaux (Infres)Computer Sciences and Networks (Infres)
Rida Khatoun, Professor in cybersecurity at the Computer Sciences and Networks Department at Télécom Paris
He received his M. Sc in Computer Engineering and the Ph.D from the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) in France in 2004 and 2008.
His current areas of research interest include Cloud Computing Security, Internet of Things Security, Vehicular Networks Security, Security Architecture, Intrusion Detection System and Blockchain technology.
Areas of Research
- Networks security
- Intrusion and attacks detection
- Wireless networks security
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks detection
Telecom Paris (2014 – Present)
- Internet networks security: protocols, attacks and detection mechanisms.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China (2016 – Present)
University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) (2005-2014)
- Internet networks security: principles of network security, cryptography, security protocols, DDoS attacks, wireless network security
- Voice over IP: VoIP architecture and protocols.
- Basics of networks: functions, protocols, TCP/IP, ATM.
- Service quA.ty networks and interconnection: QoS mechanisms.
- QuA.ty assurance and control: statistics and probability.
Sino European School of Technology of Shanghai University (UTSEUS), China (2009 – 2013)
- Network architecture and internet applications: basics of networks, functions, protocols, TCP/IP.
La lettre du LTCI (2023 #2)
PhD, Faculty Members — 17/07/2023Prix et distinctions, dont Sterenn Guerrier lauréate du Prix de Thèse IP Paris, panorama annuel de la recherche, journée de la Chaire [...]Souveraineté et compétitivité, le défi des talents de la cybersécurité
Digital Economy — 08/06/2023L'Observatoire TSN a analysé les défis de la formation et du recrutement des talents de la [...]La lettre du LTCI (2022 #4)
— 19/01/2023Élections. Nouveaux arrivants. Google Award Inclusion. Meilleur poster. Ma thèse en 3 min. Smart Gardens. Micro-architecture. IA. ChatGPT. NoRDF. C3S. Agenda [...]