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Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Image, Modélisation, Analyse, GEométrie, Synthèse (IMAGES)Image, Modeling, Analysis, GEometry, Synthesis (IMAGES)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Image, Données, Signal (IDS)Image, Data, Signal (IDS)
Pietro Gori is Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) in Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging at Télécom Paris in the IMAGES Team of the LTCI lab.
He did his academic training with Inria at the ARAMIS Lab in Paris where he worked with Stanley Durrleman (Inria Researcher), Olivier Colliot (CNRS Research Director) and Nicholas Ayache (Inria Research Director) and then at Neurospin (CEA) with Edouard Duchesnay (CEA Research Scientist), Josselin Houenou (M.D. APHP) and Jean-François Mangin (CEA Research Director). Previous to that, he obtained a MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Computation from the DTU in Copenhagen and a MSc in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Padova.
His research interests lie primarily in the fields of computational anatomy, shape analysis, statistical learning and medical imaging. He participates to the development of the open source software suite deformetrica for the statistical shape analysis of 2D and 3D image and image-derived data (i.e. landmarks, curves, surfaces). He also contributed to the development of the software platform Clinica for clinical neuroimaging studies.
La lettre Ideas : L'apport des sciences sociales...
— 26/04/2024... sur les questions d'environnement et d'intelligence artificielle.[Ideas] AI applied to medical imaging: what research?
Faculty Members, Modeling — 25/04/2024E. Angelini & P. Gori: How can research respond to the problems of access to data by developing effective and robust [...][Ideas] L’IA appliquée à l’imagerie médicale : quelles recherches ?
Faculty Members, Modeling — 25/04/2024Elsa Angelini et Pietro Gori : comment la recherche peut-elle répondre aux problématiques [...]La lettre Ideas : IA pour l'imagerie médicale, Communs numériques
— 12/04/2024[Ideas] L’IA appliquée à l’imagerie médicale : l'enjeu des données
Faculty Members, Modeling — 14/03/2024Elsa Angelini et Pietro Gori : quels enjeux pour accéder à la data et comment rendre l’IA [...][Ideas] AI applied to medical imaging: the data challenge
Faculty Members, Modeling — 14/03/2024Elsa Angelini & Pietro Gori: what are the challenges of accessing data and how can we make AI effective with [...]Télécom Paris Ideas : Le mag' du numérique pour l'humain et son environnement
— 06/02/2024Un pas de côté pour explorer les avancées numériques et les défis éthiques, environnementaux et sociétaux [...]