Portrait Duong Hieu Phan
Duong Hieu Phan

Full Professor

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Phan Dương Hiệu has been a professor at Télécom Paris since 2020.  He is head of the Cybersecurity-Cryptography team.

He obtained a Ph.D degree  at Ecole Normale Supérieure, under the supervision of David Pointcheval, then spent 15 months as postdoctoral researcher at University College London and 9 months as a research engineer at France Telecom R&D. From 2007 to 2015, he was an assistant/associate  professor at LAGA, University of Paris 8-13 and from 2015 to 2020, he was a professor at XLIM, University of Limoges and the director of the Master 2 Maths CRYPTIS.

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

List of publications.

His research focuses on cryptography, in particular on provable security for cryptographic schemes including Public-key encryption, Digital Signature, Broadcast Encryption, Traitor Tracing, Functional Encryption, Decentralized and Privacy-Preserving Cryptosystems.

He is a member of ASIACRYPT’s Steering Committee since 2013 and a member of IACR BoD 2015-2016 , as a General co-Chair for ASIACRYPT 2016 in Hanoi, Vietnam. He participates in the CNRS LIA ForMath Vietnam Singapore as a member of the scientific committee.

He will/was in the (selected) program committees of   SCN 2024 (as Program Chair),  IACR EUROCRYPT 2024 IACR ASIACRYPT 2023 (as Area ChairIACR ASIACRYPT 2022, ACM ASIACCS 2022IACR ASIACRYPT 2021, ACM ASIACCS 2021IACR ASIACRYPT 2020, ACISP 2019, IACR ASIACRYPT 2019Journée Codage & Cryptographie ’18 ACISP ’18 ISC ’17 IACR ASIACRYPT ’14 IACR PKC ’10IACR EUROCRYPT ’09ISC ’09Vietcrypt ’06.


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