Portrait Nicolas Rollet
Nicolas RolletAssociate Professor

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Nicolas Rollet, who holds a PhD in language sciences (ILPGA, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, 2012), specializes in interaction studies in ordinary and professional contexts such as family reunions, music rehearsals, digital library use, emergency medical interaction, human-robot interaction or prenatal ultrasound sessions (Télécom ParisTech, SAMU-15, CNRS, BNF, CNR114). His work is part of the Ethnomethodology, analysis of conversation accompanied by ethnographic sensitivity. He is interested, among other things, in the way language is integrated into the body and the integration of technical devices in complex social activities.

He is also a member of the Encyclopédie de la parole collective since its creation in 2007. As such, he is associated with the production of numerous works : performances, shows, sound installations, conferences (Kunsten Festival, Festival d’Automne, Palais de Tokyo,  Théâtre de Montreuil, MAMCO Genève, Festival des Arts de la parole Bordeaux, KAAT Yokohama..). He is also the author of several prose texts (Leo Scheer, Les Petits Matins, Argol).



Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

Project APHA 114 : Multimodal emergency calls for people with aphasia

In an inclusive society, the organization of emergency calls must welcome the caller’s various communicative and cognitive abilities. This paper relies on a collaborative project involving members of an association of people with aphasia, various professionals from emergency call centers, speech therapists, and a team of sociologists. The main objective was to train emergency specialists for the reception of emergency video calls implying a person with aphasia. Learning to use pictograms during these calls is a major aspect of this training. link: https://aphasie-fnaf.fr/les-aphasiques/urgence-114/

Upcoming conference: Video calls, pictograms and aphasia : an experimentation for the future of emergency services, 4S, Honolulu, November 2023.

Recent publications:

Rollet, N., & Boudier, M. (2022). L’Encyclopédie de la parole : du document à sa performance. Thaêtre, (Chantier #7 : Document-matériau).  https://www.thaetre.com/2022/11/08/lencyclopedie-de-la-parole/

Licoppe, C., Greco, L., & Rollet, N. (2021). Séquences de perlustration dans les échographies pré-natales : dire et voir le sexe. Langage et société, 173, 57-82.

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