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Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Secure and Safe Hardware (SSH)Secure and Safe Hardware (SSH)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Communications et Électronique (Comelec)Communications and Electronics (Comelec)
Maria Mushtaq is an Associate Professor at Telecom Paris. She received her PhD in Information Security from the University of South Brittany, France, in 2019. She has worked as a CNRS Postdoctoral Researcher at LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France under “excellence post-doc grant” for 2 years.
She possesses expertise in microarchitectural vulnerability assessment and design & development of runtime mitigation solutions against side- and covert-channel information leakage in modern computing systems. Her research interests mainly focus on cryptanalysis, constructing and validating software security components, and constructing OS-based security primitives against various hardware vulnerabilities. She is currently involved in various national and international projects and has co-authored several peer-reviewed publications in international conferences and journals.
Scientific Involvement
- Exploration of Systematic Vulnerability Assessment of Side-Channel Attacks, HiPEAC Collaboration Gran , Computer Architecture and Security Laboratory (CASLAB), Yale University, USA, 2021.
- Panelist, Debate: Future directions for secure hardware/software interfaces, SILM Workshop, Euro Security & Privacy, Digital event, France, 2021.
- Microarchitectural Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigations, invited talk, presented on 19th March 2021, CIDRE, IRISA, Rennes, France. Talk available here
- What are Transient Execution Attacks – Are We Secure Today? ADAC Days, 22nd April 2021, LIRMM, Montpellier, France.
- The State of Information Security is Dark & Full of Terror, invited talk, presented at ECLab, Information Technology University, Pakistan, 11th February 2021.
- Guest Editor at Journal of Applied Sciences, Special Issue: Side Channel Attacks in Embedded Systems, 2021.
- Program Committee Member, European Test Symposium (ETS), 2020-2021.
- Side-channel Information Leakage: A Threat to Modern Computing Paradigm, Invited talk, 30th May 2021, Global Forum on Innovations in Science and Technology, Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Machine Learning as a Security Approach: Detection of Side and Covert Channel Attacks., Presented at GDR SoC2 and Sécurité Informatique, Lyon, France, 26th November 2020. Slides here.
- Microarchitectural Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigations, Keynote Talk at IEEE-CASS (Rio do sul chapter), 20th Nov 2020. Talk Available Here.
- Special Track SCADD: Side Channel Attacks, Detection & Defenses, The Fifth International Conference on Cyber Technologies and Cyber Systems, Nice, France, 2020.
- Side-Channel Attacks, Detection and Mitigation: An Understanding to Microarchitectural Security, invited talk, presented at Laboratory TIMA, 5th Dec 2020.
- An Understanding to Microarchitectural Security and Future Perspectives, invited talk, presented at Laboratory VERIMAG, Grenoble, 11th Dec 2020.
- Threat of Side-channels and Secure-by-Design Computing, invited talk, presented at LiP6, Sorbonne University, Paris, 17th Dec 2020.
- Side-channel Information Leakage –Attacks, Detection & Mitigation, invited talk, presented at LIRMM, Montpellier, 22nd March 2019.
- Machine Learning for Security: The Case of Side-channel Attack Detection at Run-time, Presented at Journée thématique Sécurité, fiabilité et test des SoC2: challenges et opportunités dans l’ère de l’Intelligence Artificielle, Paris, France, 2019.
- Cache-Based Side Channel Intrusion Detection using Hardware Perfor-mance Counters,M. Mushtaq, A. Akram, M. K. Bhatti, V. Lapotre, G. Gogniat, Presented at 16th International Workshops on Cryptographic Architectures Embedded in Logic Devices (CryptArchi), 2018. Link Here.
- Cache based Side Channels–Attacks & Detection Approaches, Workshop on Cyber Security, Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France, 2017.
See her citations on Google Scholar
La lettre du LTCI (2023 #3)
PhD, Faculty Members — 13/10/2023Florence Tupin nouvelle responsable du dépt. IDS, Cyberattaques, Lasers quantiques, 5+G, YAGO, Impact carbone, ELEVATE Center, Journée [...]Le hardware, porte d’entrée pour les cyberattaques (ITSocial)
Digital Trust — 23/08/2023Maria Mushtaq et al. plaident pour un équilibre entre les performances et les exigences de sécurité.La lettre du LTCI (2022 #4)
— 19/01/2023Élections. Nouveaux arrivants. Google Award Inclusion. Meilleur poster. Ma thèse en 3 min. Smart Gardens. Micro-architecture. IA. ChatGPT. NoRDF. C3S. Agenda [...]A look back at the first IP Paris Winter School on Micro-architectural security
Digital Trust — 10/01/2023Maria Mushtaq and Ulrich Kühne, Associate Professors at Télécom Paris, were among the organizers of [...]La lettre du LTCI (2022 #3)
— 06/10/2022Ubiquitous Networks: Excellent Paper Award. Deux distinctions d'articles pour l'équipe IMAGES. ANR Jeune chercheur. Prix Science ouverte. Et aussi : actualités [...]Attaques par canal auxiliaire, exploiter les failles des processeurs
Digital Trust, Faculty Members — 07/09/2022Maria Mushtaq : Les attaques par canal auxiliaire permettent d’exploiter des informations [...]Side Channel Attacks: How to exploit vulnerabilities of processors?
Digital Trust, Faculty Members — 07/09/2022Maria Mushtaq: Side channel attacks exploit confidential information obtained from microarchitecture [...]Dîner prestige: Elsa Angelini, Laure Muselli, Maria Mushtaq, Stefano Zacchiroli
Faculty Members — 28/06/2022Numérique responsable, cybersécurité, machine learning et patrimoine logiciel : tels sont les [...]IP Paris’ International Winter School on Microarchitectural Security
Digital Trust, Faculty Members — 24/05/2022The first Winter School on Microarchitectural security will be held in Dec. 2022, organized by IP [...]