Guillaume DucAssociate Professor
Co-holder of the Connected Cars and Cyber Security Chair

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Guillaume Duc has been an associate professor at Télécom Paris since 2009 in the Communications and Electronics Department and co-holder of the Connected Cars and Cyber Security Chair.

His research focuses on the security of embedded systems and in particular on the interactions between the hardware and the software (e.g. vulnerabilities related to hardware implementation or hardware components designed to improve security)

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

Areas of Research

Safety of embedded systems

  • Computing architectures resistant to spying on communication buses and memories
  • Hardware support for software security
  • Side-Channel Attacks

C3S Chair

The objective of the « Connected Cars & Cyber Security » (C3S) Chair is to develop, in close liaison with its partners, training and research at international level. The chair focuses on cybersecurity issues related to the emergence of a new mobility that crystallises technical, social, ethical, economic and legal challenges among the most pointed and delicate of the digital transformation.

Within this chair, research work is conducted along five main axis:

  1. Risk analysis and operational safety
  2. Protection of data and data flows in real time, cryptography and agility
  3. Authentication, Identity and Behavioural Imprint
  4. Resilience by design
  5. Protection of personal data involved in the connected vehicle (legal and societal aspects)

More information


Telecom Paris
  • Head of the Embedded Systems study track
  • Responsible for the course SE203: Tools, languages and practice for microprocessor-based systems
  • Responsible for the course SR2I301: Safety of Embedded Systems
  • Responsible for the course SE758: Linux Device Drivers
  • Participation in the EU ELECINF102: Digital Processors and Architectures
  • Participations in the different project: PAF, PRIM
IMT Atlantique
  • Participation in the Computer Security course

Interrogation du serveur HAL en cours...Waiting for HAL server...

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