Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Signal, Statistique et Apprentissage (S2A)Signal, Statistics and Learning (S2A)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Image, Données, Signal (IDS)Image, Data, Signal (IDS)
Geoffroy Peeters is full-professor in the LTCI S2A team at Télécom Paris. He received his PHDs degree in 2001 and Habilitation in 2013 from University Paris-VI on audio signal processing, data analysis and machine learning. Before joining Télécom Paris, he lead research related to Music Information Retrieval at IRCAM. His current research work is on signal processing, machine learning and deep learning applied to audio and music data analysis.