Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Interaction, Technologie, Activité (Interact)Interact (Sociology Psychology Ergonomics)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation (i3)Interdisciplinary Institute of Innovation (i3)
Département :Department:
Sciences Économiques et Sociales (SES)Economics and Social Sciences (SES)
- Graduated in Cognitive Psychology-Psycholinguistics (EHESS) and Cognitive Ergonomics (Paris V-Sorbonne)
- PhD. in Cognitive Psychology (1986, Paris V-Sorbonne)
- « HDR- habilitation à diriger des recherches » (Paris V-Sorbonne)
- After a two year postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University in the AI Department, she joined INRIA-Rocquencourt in 1989 where she headed the research team Eiffel « Cognition and Cooperation in Design » from 1998 to 2007
- Since April 2008, she has joined the CNRS – Télécom Paris where she co-heads the Interact team (Sociology, Psychology, Ergonomics)
- Member of editorial boards of journals: Co-Design; Activité; Interacting With Computers (2000-2019); International Journal of Human Computer Studies (2009-2019)
- Member of the board of EACE (European Ergonomics Association)
- Co-chair of the Technical Committee WWCS (Work With Computing Systems), IEA (International Ergonomics Association)
- She has co-edited eleven books and Journal special issues in the HCI and Cognitive Ergonomics fields. Her publications include two books (Software Design: Cognitive Aspects. Springer Verlag, 2001) and more than 170 scientific papers
The research program of Françoise Détienne is on understanding design and collaboration activities as well as the effect of technological mediations.
Specific research topics are
- Psychology of programming (e.g. « Software Design: cognitive aspects, 2001, Springer Verlag »)
- Interaction analysis methods (e.g. Méthodologies d’analyse de situations coopératives de conception : le corpus MOSAIC. collection « Langage, Cognition, Interaction », Nancy : PUN, 2009.)
- Quality of collaboration in design (e.g. Numéro spécial « Perspective on quality of collaboration in Design, CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts. 2012, Volume 8, issue 4; Collaborative design : managing task interdependencies and multiple perspectives. Interacting With Computers. 2006, 18(1), 1-20.)
- Intercultural variations, collaboration and creativity (e.g. Cultures of collaboration in engineering design education: a contrastive case study in France and Japan. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. 2017, 5(1-2), 104-128.)
- Online epistemic communities (e.g. The Descent of Pluto: Interactive dynamics, specialisation and reciprocity of roles in a Wikipedia debate. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2016, 86, 11-3.; Online epistemic communities: theoretical and methodological directions for understanding knowledge co-elaboration in new digital spaces. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 2012, 41( 1), 3511-3518.)
- The role of values in the design process (e.g. Ideologically-Embedded Design: Community, collaboration and artefact. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2019, 131, 72-80.)
- The role du touch in social interaction
Current projects (2020)
- DIALLS (H2020 : https://dialls2020.eu/)
- SocialTouch (ANR : https://socialtouch.hds.utc.fr/)
- TEEC (ANR franco-québecois : https://teec.teluq.ca/fr/)
PhD (co-)direction (2020)
- Robin Heron (Telecom Paris)
- Maude Quinio (Agro)
- Zhuoming Zhang (Telecom Paris)
- Samuel Lacroix (Telecom Paris)