Télécom Paris is a founding member of Institut Polytechnique de Paris and a member of the Institut Mines-Télécom; a top-ranked(*) public institution of higher education in the French Grandes Ecoles tradition under the trusteeship of the Ministry for the Economy and Finance.
Our core mission is: To shape, envision, and design models, technologies, and digital solutions that serve a society and economy mindful of people and the environment.
Our educational programs are highly selective, interdisciplinary of exceptional quality and are grounded in rigorous research.
Experimentation is at the heart of our approach; our school is a living laboratory for the development of our imagination and the nurturing of our entrepreneurial energies, and where we can pilot ideas, projects, and solutions in a welcoming environment.
Our expertise lies at the heart of digital technology, research, and innovation. While drawing on the legacy of French engineering expertise, which covers technologies, modeling, and theoretical approaches, we foster practical solutions and applications, as well as measuring their impact on society.
We embrace a dual approach:
Establishes broad foundations as well as highly specialized knowledge in the area of digital technology. This merging of interdisciplinary and digital pathways is our specific contribution within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and our entire ecosystem.
We create and develop strong relationships with our academic partners, businesses, and the socio-economic world. We serve a society and an economy that are mindful of people and the environment and strive to address societal and ecological issues.
Our mission statement therefore consists of three elements:
Firstly, that which is expected of a higher education institution such as ours, combining the elements of our own unique training ethos, to shape and envision an enterprising identity.
Then, a second element which focuses on our specialization for designing digital models, technologies, and solutions and which re-affirms the expertise that sets us apart on the entire digital realm.
And finally, at our mission’s core, we place our initiatives at the service of a society and an economy that is respectful of humankind and its environment.
Nicolas Glady – Directeur de Télécom Paris
(*) L’Étudiant #2 , #1 on digital (Le Figaro), QS #49 Worldwide & #2 Fr, THE, #91 Worldwide & #3 Fr – 2022. Learn more about our rankings