The Design, Interaction, Visualization & Applications (DIVA) team focuses on the fundamental and applied research of human-computer interaction (HCI). This research is characterized by a two-fold challenge: representing and interacting with ever larger quantities of data, and achieving this not just on standard computers but also on small mobile and non-traditional devices.
Our key contributions are in the following fields:
Innovative interactions: techniques, physical artifacts and software paradigms
New forms of interaction
- Gesture-based interaction and other novel modalities
- Mobile/wearable interfaces and wall-sized displays
- Tactile feedback and social interaction
- Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality
Physical artifacts, tangible interaction, design
- Tangible objects
- On-body interaction
- Shape-changing interfaces
New interaction and design paradigms
- Multi-device and multi-surface interaction and collaborative work
- Malleable software
- Computer science education and interactive teaching software
« Homo digitalis »: Visualization, sense-making and behavior models
Data visualization and sensemaking
- New graphical representation systems
- Sensemaking
- ·Data physicalization
Behavior models
- Pointing (Fitts’ law) and information theory
- Predictive performance and navigation models in multi-scale interfaces
Novice / Expert Transition
- Discovery, learning and memorization
- Interactive techniques that leverage semantic/spatial/image memory
Team members
- James Eagan, Associate Professor, team leader
- Mickaël Bouhier, Research Engineer
- Nathalie Bressa
- Yves Guiard, Professor Emeritus
- Jan Gugenheimer, Invited Professor
- Samuel Huron, associate member, Associate Professor at Economics & Social Sc. dept.
- Eric Lecolinet, Professor
- Daniel Pires de Sá Medeiros
- Rémi Sharrock, Associate Professor
- Tiphaine Viard, associate member, Associate Professor at Economics & Social Sc. dept.
Key words
- Human-computer interaction (HCI)
- Visualization
- Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality
- Design