And also: Télécom Paris faculty
- Talel AbdessalemProfessor
Dean of Research
Director of the LTCI Lab - Juan Rafael AlvarezAssociate Professor
- Kyriaki NiotakiAssociate Professor
- Christelle Aubert-HassouniPost-doctoral Researcher
- Florence d’Alché-BucProfessor
IDS dept. head (Sept. 2021) - Holder of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry and Services Chair - Romain AlléaumeProfessor
- Antoine AmarilliAssociate Professor
- Rabéa Ameur-BoulifaAssociate Professor
- Ludovic ApvrilleProfessor
- Élie AwwadAssociate Professor
- Maya Bacache
Professor in economics
- Roland BadeauProfessor
- Michael BakerResearch Professor
- Valérie BeaudouinVisiting Professor
- Xavier BegaudProfessor
- Astrid BertrandPhD Student
- Jean-Samuel BeuscartProfessor
- Pascal BianchiProfessor
- Albert BifetProfessor
- Isabelle BlochProfessor
- Dominique BlouinAssociate Professor
- Thomas BonaldProfessor
- David BounieProfessor
Head of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Head of the Digital Finance Chair - Marc BourreauProfessor
Director of the Innovation & Regulation Chair - Florian BrandnerAssociate Professor
- Bethany CagnolAssistant Teaching Professor
- Béatrice CahourSenior researcher
- Sébastien CanardProfessor
- Antonio CasilliProfessor
- Paul CholletAssociate Professor
- Laurie CiaramellaAssociate Professor
- Philippe CiblatProfessor
- Chloé ClavelProfessor
- Stephan ClémençonProfessor
- Sophie CoudertAssociate Professor
- Marceau CoupechouxProfessor
- Jean-Christophe CousinAssociate Professor
- Jean-Luc DangerProfessor
- Myriam DavidoviciAssociate Professor
- Laurent DecreusefondProfessor
- Patricia DesgreysProfessor
- Jean-Louis DessallesProfessor Emeritus
- Françoise DétienneResearch Professor
- Amal Dev ParakkatAssistant Professor
- Ada DiaconescuAssociate Professor
- Dana DiminescuAssociate Professor
- Laura DraettaAssociate Professor
- Guillaume DucAssociate Professor
- Jean-Claude DufourdProfessor
- James EaganAssociate Professor
- Slim EssidProfessor
- Olivier FercoqAssociate Professor
- Valérie FernandezProfessor
Holder of the Responsibility for Digital IDentity Research Chair - Jean Le FeuvreAssociate Professor
- Olivier FournoutAssociate Professor
- Renaud GabetAssociate Professor
- Maurice GagnaireProfessor
- Isabelle GarronAssociate Professor
- Laurent Gille
Emeritus Professor of Economics
- Pietro GoriAssociate Professor
- Tarik GrabaAssociate Professor
- Frédéric GrillotProfessor
- Jan GugenheimerAssociate Professor
- Thomas HouyAssociate Professor
- Olivier HudryProfessor
- Samuel HuronAssociate Professor
- Chadi JabbourAssociate Professor
- Louis JachietAssociate Professor
- Ons JelassiAssistant Research & Teaching Professor
Director of Télécom Paris Executive Education - Christophe KervazoAssociate Professor
- Rida KhatounProfessor
Co-holder of the Connected Cars and Cyber Security Chair - Ulrich KühneAssociate Professor
- Petr KuznetsovProfessor
Holder of the TrustShare Chair - Matthieu LabeauAssociate Professor
- Ulrich LaitenbergerVisiting Professor
- Isabelle LallemandAssistant Teaching Professor
- Eric LecolinetProfessor
- Thomas Le GoffAssistant Professor
- Anne Claire LepageAssociate Professor
- Christian LicoppeProfessor
- Laurence Likforman-SulemAssociate Professor
- Benjamin LoveluckAssociate Professor
- Henri MaîtreProfessor Emeritus
- Vadim MalvoneAssociate Professor
- David MasséAssociate Professor
- Panos MavrosAssistant Professor
- Winston MaxwellProfessor
- Gérard MemmiProfessor
Head of the Computer sciences and networks department - Bertrand MeyerAssociate Professor
- Jean-Claude MoissinacAssociate Professor
- Julien MorelAssociate Professor
- Pavlo MozharovskyiProfessor
- Mounira MsahliAssociate Professor
- Laure MuselliAssociate Professor
- Maria MushtaqAssociate Professor
- Lìrida NavinerProfessor
- Dilia Carolina OLIVOPhD Student
- Alban OuahabAssociate Professor
- Renaud PacaletProfessor
- Louis PapeAssistant Professor
- Laurent PautetProfessor
- Jayneel ParekhPhD Student
- Duong Hieu Phan
Full Professor
- Geoffroy PeetersProfessor
- Gérard PogorelProfessor Emeritus
- Marc RelieuAssociate Professor
- Gaël RichardProfessor
Scientific co-director of Hi! PARIS - Olivier RioulProfessor
- Caroline RizzaAssociate Professor
- Thomas RobertAssociate Professor
- Nicolas RolletAssociate Professor
- Michelangelo RossiAssistant Professor
- François RoueffProfessor
Director of doctoral education - Michel RouxAssociate Professor
- Stéphane SafinAssociate Professor
- Laurent SauvageAssociate Professor
- Ahmed SerhrouchniProfessor
- Alain SibilleProfessor Emeritus
- Damien StehléVisiting Professor
- Fabian M. SuchanekProfessor
Head of the NoRDF Chair - Aslan TchamkertenProfessor
- Bruno ThédrezProfessor
Head of the Communication and Electronics Department - Florence TupinProfessor
- Kiwon UmAssociate Professor
- Pascal UrienProfessor
- Xavier VamparysPhD Student
- Anaïs VergneAssociate Professor
- Tiphaine ViardAssociate Professor
- Patrick WaelbroeckProfessor
- Shanshan WangAssistant Professor
- Weiqiang WenAssistant Professor
- Joe WiartProfessor
Holder of the C2M Chair - Stefano ZacchiroliProfessor
- Kyriaki NiotakiAssociate Professor
- Juan Rafael AlvarezAssociate Professor
- Talel AbdessalemProfessor
Dean of Research
Director of the LTCI Lab - Christelle Aubert-HassouniPost-doctoral Researcher
- Florence d’Alché-BucProfessor
IDS dept. head (Sept. 2021) - Holder of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry and Services Chair - Romain AlléaumeProfessor
- Antoine AmarilliAssociate Professor
- Rabéa Ameur-BoulifaAssociate Professor
- Ludovic ApvrilleProfessor
- Élie AwwadAssociate Professor
- Maya Bacache
Professor in economics
- Roland BadeauProfessor
- Michael BakerResearch Professor
- Valérie BeaudouinVisiting Professor
- Xavier BegaudProfessor
- Jean-Samuel BeuscartProfessor
- Pascal BianchiProfessor
- Albert BifetProfessor
- Isabelle BlochProfessor
- Dominique BlouinAssociate Professor
- Thomas BonaldProfessor
- David BounieProfessor
Head of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Head of the Digital Finance Chair - Marc BourreauProfessor
Director of the Innovation & Regulation Chair - Florian BrandnerAssociate Professor
- Bethany CagnolAssistant Teaching Professor
- Béatrice CahourSenior researcher
- Sébastien CanardProfessor
- Antonio CasilliProfessor
- Paul CholletAssociate Professor
- Laurie CiaramellaAssociate Professor
- Philippe CiblatProfessor
- Chloé ClavelProfessor
- Stephan ClémençonProfessor
- Sophie CoudertAssociate Professor
- Marceau CoupechouxProfessor
- Jean-Christophe CousinAssociate Professor
- Jean-Luc DangerProfessor
- Myriam DavidoviciAssociate Professor
- Laurent DecreusefondProfessor
- Patricia DesgreysProfessor
- Jean-Louis DessallesProfessor Emeritus
- Françoise DétienneResearch Professor
- Amal Dev ParakkatAssistant Professor
- Ada DiaconescuAssociate Professor
- Dana DiminescuAssociate Professor
- Laura DraettaAssociate Professor
- Guillaume DucAssociate Professor
- Jean-Claude DufourdProfessor
- James EaganAssociate Professor
- Slim EssidProfessor
- Olivier FercoqAssociate Professor
- Valérie FernandezProfessor
Holder of the Responsibility for Digital IDentity Research Chair - Jean Le FeuvreAssociate Professor
- Olivier FournoutAssociate Professor
- Renaud GabetAssociate Professor
- Maurice GagnaireProfessor
- Isabelle GarronAssociate Professor
- Laurent Gille
Emeritus Professor of Economics
- Pietro GoriAssociate Professor
- Tarik GrabaAssociate Professor
- Frédéric GrillotProfessor
- Jan GugenheimerAssociate Professor
- Thomas HouyAssociate Professor
- Olivier HudryProfessor
- Samuel HuronAssociate Professor
- Chadi JabbourAssociate Professor
- Louis JachietAssociate Professor
- Ons JelassiAssistant Research & Teaching Professor
Director of Télécom Paris Executive Education - Christophe KervazoAssociate Professor
- Rida KhatounProfessor
Co-holder of the Connected Cars and Cyber Security Chair - Ulrich KühneAssociate Professor
- Petr KuznetsovProfessor
Holder of the TrustShare Chair - Matthieu LabeauAssociate Professor
- Ulrich LaitenbergerVisiting Professor
- Isabelle LallemandAssistant Teaching Professor
- Eric LecolinetProfessor
- Thomas Le GoffAssistant Professor
- Anne Claire LepageAssociate Professor
- Christian LicoppeProfessor
- Laurence Likforman-SulemAssociate Professor
- Benjamin LoveluckAssociate Professor
- Henri MaîtreProfessor Emeritus
- Vadim MalvoneAssociate Professor
- David MasséAssociate Professor
- Panos MavrosAssistant Professor
- Winston MaxwellProfessor
- Gérard MemmiProfessor
Head of the Computer sciences and networks department - Bertrand MeyerAssociate Professor
- Jean-Claude MoissinacAssociate Professor
- Julien MorelAssociate Professor
- Pavlo MozharovskyiProfessor
- Mounira MsahliAssociate Professor
- Laure MuselliAssociate Professor
- Maria MushtaqAssociate Professor
- Lìrida NavinerProfessor
- Alban OuahabAssociate Professor
- Renaud PacaletProfessor
- Louis PapeAssistant Professor
- Laurent PautetProfessor
- Jayneel ParekhPhD Student
- Duong Hieu Phan
Full Professor
- Geoffroy PeetersProfessor
- Gérard PogorelProfessor Emeritus
- Marc RelieuAssociate Professor
- Gaël RichardProfessor
Scientific co-director of Hi! PARIS - Olivier RioulProfessor
- Caroline RizzaAssociate Professor
- Thomas RobertAssociate Professor
- Nicolas RolletAssociate Professor
- Michelangelo RossiAssistant Professor
- François RoueffProfessor
Director of doctoral education - Michel RouxAssociate Professor
- Stéphane SafinAssociate Professor
- Laurent SauvageAssociate Professor
- Ahmed SerhrouchniProfessor
- Alain SibilleProfessor Emeritus
- Damien StehléVisiting Professor
- Fabian M. SuchanekProfessor
Head of the NoRDF Chair - Aslan TchamkertenProfessor
- Bruno ThédrezProfessor
Head of the Communication and Electronics Department - Florence TupinProfessor
- Kiwon UmAssociate Professor
- Pascal UrienProfessor
- Anaïs VergneAssociate Professor
- Tiphaine ViardAssociate Professor
- Patrick WaelbroeckProfessor
- Shanshan WangAssistant Professor
- Weiqiang WenAssistant Professor
- Joe WiartProfessor
Holder of the C2M Chair - Stefano ZacchiroliProfessor