Digital entrepreneurship is entering a new phase of acceleration and disruption. Acceleration refers to the pace with which internet start-ups are conquering the entire economy. Only a short time ago, web-based companies created their own segment or positioned themselves in industries which were relatively easy to enter. But today, all traditional markets – even the most highly regulated ones – are threatened by one or more internet-based start-ups.

As for disruption, it can be seen in views expressed by the most influential players in internet entrepreneurship. Investors, incubators, mentors, and entrepreneurs themselves now advance the image of an entrepreneur who is increasingly seen as a « hacker. »
To prepare our engineering students to enter this new world, we offer various entrepreneurship training opportunities over the course of the program.
In the 2nd year
Digital start-ups are now gaining control of the entire economy. All markets have either been taken over or threatened by online start-ups: Booking and AirBnB in the hotel industry, Uber in the taxi industry, Tesla in the automobile industry, Coursera in the education industry, Clarity in the consulting industry, Paypal in the banking industry, Square in the payment methods industry etc.
In this sixty-hour course in the Strategy, Innovation, Markets (SIM) study track, students gain an understanding of how markets work and learn to build business models, incorporate a design process in innovation, analyze new uses and more…
Throughout the 3 years
All of our engineering students take this MOOC, which was created by Télécom Paris faculty members. It explains the new rules introduced by today’s digital world and helps students understand new mechanisms of innovation and entrepreneurship. Each concept is explained through an educational video along with additional resources. The MOOC falls under the field of management and economics and provides students with a solid understanding of:
- New rationales for creation and value capture
- The factors driving the acceleration of the digital revolution
- The principles of business strategy, in and through the digital world
- New forms of business organization
- Specific features of entrepreneurial dynamics
In the 3rd year
This 3rd-year option is intended for:
Students who are interested in start-ups as it gives them a look at key concepts for understanding how Internet start-ups are gaining control over the entire economy. Students learn about the strategies used by the latest digital start-ups.
Students who may be interested in becoming entrepreneurs but who do not yet have a specific start-up project. This option helps them develop their creativity in order to develop an original, disruptive idea which is both profitable and scalable. Not all entrepreneurial ideas are created equal. This course will help students find an entrepreneurial project they could be interested in pursuing, whether in the short, medium or long term.
Students with a determined start-up project. For students who are already entrepreneurs, this year enables them to grow their start-up. They benefit from extensive feedback, both from instructors and prospective customers. They also present their project to investors and incubators. Students accelerate their business’s performance by taking the most appropriate technical courses to develop their innovations.

Throughout the program, our engineering students have the opportunity to discover innovation and entrepreneurship through innovative learning projects.
- Houy ThomashouyThomas HouyEnseignant-chercheur en sciences de gestionTélécom ParisTel : 01 75 31 98 95emailemail
- Houy Thomase_thouyThomas HOUYVacataireTélécom Paris