Télécom Paris has established itself as a leading player in innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital world. The school understands the importance of innovation in advanced economies and has developed methods for creating short loops between training, research, and applications for industry and society.
In order to encourage our engineering students to develop and create their own projects, Télécom Paris has created new learning facilities on its campus.
The E-Lab is a space for experimentation open to all Télécom Paris students. Since 2018, students have been able to apply what they have learned and create digital objects of their choice at the lab. It is a space for co-creation where students, professors, and start-up founders can meet one another. From the design to creation stages, students can receive guidance to help bring their projects to life.

The FabLab is a space specifically designed to introduce students to modern digital manufacturing methods like additive 3D printing and laser cutting. Students may use the FabLab’s high-tech equipment (3D scanner, Arduino electronics kit, graphics workstations, large 4K screen etc) for any projects for which they need to create a real object from a virtual model.
- 3D Ultimaker 2 printer
- 3D Makerbot Replicator 2X printer
- 3D Zortrax M200 printer
- 3D Stratasys Objet 24 printer
- 3D-sens Scanner
- Makerbot Digitizer scanner
- Laser cutter Epilog Mini + de 40 W
- Screen Philips 65 ″ 4K
- Video projector SONY VPL FX-35
- Kits Arduino
- Weller welding station
- Mini drill
- Computers
Design Studio
The Design Studio is a space entirely dedicated to developing student projects. Built to function in tandem with the school’s FabLab, Studio Design provides a modular space for rapid prototyping that fosters collaboration and creativity. Computers, crash test machines, and mechanical and electronic tools are available for student use.
The Design Studio is divided into two areas: the workshop and the residence.
While the workshop is open to all students who would like to work there, the residence is designed as a professional workspace, with residents selected based on their commitment to carrying out their project. As engineering students in residence, they may receive special coaching and benefit from a higher profile both within and outside the school.
- Thedrez BrunothedrezBruno ThedrezEnseignant-ChercheurTélécom ParisTel : 01 75 31 92 78emailemail
- Boubekeur TamyboubekTamy BoubekeurProfesseurTélécom ParisTel : 01 75 31 96 76emailemail
Studio Design