- Cécile BrossaudFrench as a foreign and second language (FLES) teacher, coordinator of FLES courses and tests in the engineering cycle. Online training designer and facilitator.Télécom Parisemailemail
- Isabelle LallemandTeacher of French as a foreign and second language, coordinator of shared French as a foreign language courses (Masters, doctoral students, faculty staff) and integration referentTélécom Parisemailemail
Permanent and Adjunct Faculty
- Inès Bel Kefi
- Diane Bonniard
- Cécile Brossaud
- Estelle Dussourd
- Françoise Herbet-Pain
- Isabelle Lallemand
Contact for internships
Marie-Hélène PiovanoCourse Offering
1A = 1st year ; 2A = 2nd year ; 3A = 3rd year
French as a foreign and second language
1A – Special course for 1A non-newcomers:
3hrs on Thursday 08.30-11.45
- FLES-T-101 Étudiants plurilingues, affirmez votre style à l’écrit
2A – General courses for 2A and 1A newcomers:
3hrs on Thursday 08.30-11.45
3 groups according to level and choice of scientific subjects taught entirely in English, entirely in French or in a hybrid format
- FLES 201 level A2
- FLES 202 level B1
- FLES 203 level B2
2A – Themed courses for 2A and 1A newcomers (prerequisite: level B2.2) :
1,5hr on Wednesday 17.00 or on Thursday 08.30 or 10.15
Semester 1
- FLES-T-208 or 216 Renforcer ses compétences à l’écrit (Wednesday 17.00 or Thursday 08.30)
- FLES-T-212 Aspects interculturels du cinéma français contemporain (Thursday 10.15)
Semester 2
- FLES-T-209 Vie culturelle et artistique en France (Wednesday 17.00)
- FLES-T-217 Vie politique et sociale de la France et des Français (Thursday 08.30)
- FLES-T-211 Cinéma français contemporain : analyse et critique (Thursday 10.15)
3A – Special course
if graduation level not reached in 2A or if lack of FLES credits
- FLES-P-214 semestre 1 – Projet en FLES (projet en ligne, entretiens et suivi individualisé)
Contemporary humanities and human training
1A, prerequisite level B2 – International and French students
Semester 2
- FH 241 – Atelier de lecture
2A, pre-requisite level B1 – Special project for 2A, international and French students :
Semester 1 and Semester 2 – lectures, interviews and jury examination
- HUM/Tandem Projet Tandem langues et cultures
2A pre-requisite level A2 – Special for international students:
- FH 222 Savoir valoriser son profil international et ses compétences plurilingues
2A, prerequisite level B1- Special international students:
Semester 2
- FH-FLES/Théâtre Atelier d’expression théâtrale avec Marie Rey, metteuse en scène – atelier conçu en articulation avec les thématiques du cours de FLE
Online resources, FLES and interculturality