Back to school September 2024

You’re a student entering the Master’s Cycle as a 2nd year student at Télécom Paris (24 months):

Master 1 students or international equivalent; International Exchange Program students

  • Monday 2 September, 2024, at 17.00 (Paris time): official start of the year ceremony

Photo collective de la promo 2026
– Welcome to your school.
– The training offer, by Bertrand David, Director of Education.
Associations & clubs, by Cléa Léandri, President of the Students’ Union.
– The Télécom Paris alumni association, by Hélène DelahousseHaverbeke, President of the association.
– Photo of the 2027 class.

  • Monday 2 to Thursday 5 September: welcome week for our new students
  • Tuesday 3 September, at 09.00 (Paris time): welcoming new students
  • From Friday 6 to Tuesday 10 September, included: integration weekend “WEI” organized by the Students’ Union
  • Wednesday 11 September: first day of classes as per your schedule



Welcome booklet

Download Welcome booklet

Welcome booklet (cover)

Testimonials: first impressions

Clément, Guillermo, Jean, Mariia, Servane are new students: they talk about the reasons why they chose Télécom Paris and their impressions at the beginning of the year.

[Start of the year] Testimonial of Clément, first impressions (video)
[Start of the year] Testimonial of Guillermo, first impressions (video)
[Start of the year] Testimonial of Jean, first impressions (video)


[Start of the year] Testimonial of Mariia, first impressions (video)
[Start of the year] Testimonial of Servane, first impressions (video)