Reader account

Reader Account

This service is reserved exclusively for the Télécom community (students, lecturers, PhD students, staff, etc.).

Télécom Paris users (automatically registered with the library) have a reader account. Via the online catalogue, click on « Account Log In » at the top right of the page (see tutorial).

The reader account gives you access to a number of personalised services:

Consultation and extension of current loans
On your reader account, you ‘ll find a list of current loans, return dates and a history of past loans.

To extend the loan of a document, tick the « Renew » box for the document concerned in the corresponding column.
The « Renew All » box applies the same operation to all loans.
It is not possible to extend a document (the boxes are greyed out) when :

  • the document is already overdue ;
  • it has been reserved by another reader ;
  • you have reached the maximum extension period (3 renewals at most).
Document reservation
When a document is being borrowed by another reader (in which case it is indicated as « Checked out » in the catalogue), you can reserve it via the Reader Account area by clicking on « Place hold » .
When the document is returned by the other reader, an e-mail is sent to you, giving you 7 days to collect it.
Modification of personal data relating to the reader's account
The « Main address » and « Contact information » fields, among others, can be modified from the « Personal details » tab. This update is required and systematically requested from Télécom Paris staff.
Selecting and saving bibliographic references
The Reader’s Account area also enables you to select and save relevant bibliographic references for your documentary research, which you can consult at a later date with a single click.
From the Reader’s Account home page, click on « Lists » to consult existing lists or create new ones.