CRDN donations
The library offers several types of donations:
Book donation / Abri’Bib (2nd floor cafeteria)
Library members collect books from users who wish to donate them to the school. The books are then sorted and marked with an “Abri’Bib” sticker. These books are then put back into circulation in the shelter. You are free to use them, and under no obligation to return them.
Magazine donation / Abri’Bib (2nd floor cafeteria)
The CRDN subscribes to a large number of magazines. Some are kept at the library for an average of 6 months, after which they are deposited in the Abri’Kiosk with a sticker of the same name. You can help yourself and there is no obligation to return them.
Newspaper donation (Logistics corridor, behind the CRDN)
The library keeps daily newspapers (Le Monde, Les Echos, Libération…) and other periodicals for an average of ten days. They are then deposited in this cabinet. You can use them if you need them for a move, to light your fireplace, or simply to read.
Donation to the CRDN
The CRDN accepts donations of books, to be deposited at the library reception desk, subject to your acceptance of the conditions below.
The CRDN systematically selects donations according to precise acceptance criteria (the same criteria applied to acquisitions): suitability for the CRDN’s documentary policy, year of publication of the document, number of copies, etc.
Not all documents will necessarily be included in our collections. Books that the library does not keep are offered to partners (charities, etc.) or made available in the Abri’Bib.
If the above conditions do not suit you, the library will be obliged to refuse your donation.
For specific and large donations, please complete and sign this form.