Digital resources

Digital resources


SpringerLink - Springer
Areas covered (multidisciplinary): medicine, life science, computer science, electronics, linguistics, science of materials, mathematics, physics, economics, management.
Format: database of full-text articles.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

  • Our SpringerLink subscription gives access to the full text of 2012 titles published by Springer from 1997 to the present day.
  • Permanent access to the archives that Télécom Paris gained access through Licences nationales ISTEX (1900 journals, goes until 2014) (you can have access to those through SpringerLink or from the ISTEX platform) plus 38 000 eBooks including LNM – Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1976- 2013).

User guide

Areas covered: multidisciplinary.
Format: platform for querying Télécom Paris e-books.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

The VleBooks portal provides access to some 1,600 books in all subject areas. This platform is shared by the IP Paris establishments.

ScienceDirect - Elsevier
Areas covered: hard sciences and human sciences.
Format: full-text article database.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

ScienceDirect, from publisher Elsevier (other publishers include: North-Holland, Gauthiers-Villars, CRC Press, Pergamon, Academic Press…), contains millions of online articles, over 4,000 journals and more than 42,000 eBooks, mainly in scientific disciplines, but also in the humanities and social sciences. Subscriptions include access to journals only.

User guide

JSTOR- Journal Storage
Areas covered: arts, human and social sciences, history, science and mathematics, economics and management.
Format: database of full-text articles.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

JSTOR brings together over 12 million academic articles, 100,000 eBooks and millions of images and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

User guide

Science and technology (computer science, mathematics, electronics, physics, etc.)

Digital Library - ACM
Areas covered: computer science, information science.
Format: database of full-text articles.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

The ACM Digital Library (DL) is the world’s oldest organization dedicated to computer science, and constitutes the largest scientific collection in this field, covering all areas: systems, organization and artificial intelligence, human-machine interactions, networks, computing methodologies, cybersecurity, ethics and societal issues, etc. It provides access to 460,300 full-text articles from conferences, eBooks and journals on its platform. It also includes a bibliographic database, the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, with 2.6 million references published by 7,500 publishers. The Computing Classification System, an ACM thesaurus, is also available for consultation.

User guide

EMS - European Mathematical Society Press - eBooks
Areas covered: mathematics.
Format: full-text works.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

EMS is the learned society of mathematicians throughout Europe. It promotes mathematical research in Europe, relations between mathematics and society, relations with European institutions and mathematics teaching. Its members represent some 60 national mathematical societies in Europe, and 50 mathematical research centers and departments.

Access to 214 works in 14 prestigious collections (2003-2022):

MathSciNet - American Mathematical Society
Areas covered: fundamental mathematics and applied mathematics.
Format: online bibliographic database.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

MathSciNet is a bibliographic database of nearly 3 million references covering the world’s mathematical literature over the last 62 years. It corresponds to the paper versions of Mathematical Reviews (peer-reviewed) and Current Mathematical Publications. More than 1.7 million references provide a link to the article. Searchable in Mathematics Subject Classification.

User guide

Annals of Telecommunications - Springer
Areas covered : Information science and technology (modern telecommunications, information processing, networks).
Format : original articles.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).
NB : the magazine is also available in paper format from the CRDN.

Annals of Telecommunications is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal published by Springer and edited by Institut Mines-Télécom. Founded in 1946, it publishes original articles in the field of telecommunications.
Referenced in major international databases (Scopus, Web of Science…), its impact factor is 1.9 in 2023. Six issues are published annually as « Open Topics » or « Special Issues ».

IEEE Xplore - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Areas covered: electronics, computer science, telecommunications.
Format: database of full-text articles (journals, conferences, standards, etc.).
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

IEEE Xplore includes more than five million full-text documents from thousands of the world’s most cited publications in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, electronics, telecommunications and related areas: signal and information processing, digital communications, etc. The subscription includes all current IEEE publications: magazines, journals (more than 200 current titles and their archives), annual IEEE and IET conference proceedings (more than 3 million conference papers), as well as the technical standards of the IEEE Learned Society and their history (2,000 active industry standards – 1,800 superseded – 5,363 inactive).

REE - Revue de l’électricité et de l’électronique
Areas covered: electricity and electronics.
Format: full-text and reserved-access journals.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN) only through Eole.

Monthly magazine founded in 1995 by SEE, Société de l’électricité, de l’électronique et des technologies de l’information et de la communication.
Télécom Paris is making available to its students and staff extracts from issues dating from 2013 to 2021. CRDN subscribes to the magazine in paper format.

Springer Nature eBooks Collections

Télécom Paris subscribed to LNCS – Lecture Notes in Computer Science (from 1973 until now).

« Intell Technologies & Robotics » eBooks Collection: Springer’s « Intell Technologies & Robotics » eBook collection – over 700 titles – covers topics such as intelligent transport, humanoids, autonomous cars, IoT, ambient intelligence, smart cities, human-computer interaction, computer intelligence, industry 4.0, medical robotics and data science.

« Energy » eBooks Collection: the “Energy” eBook Collection – comprising over 190 titles – provides perspective and in-depth understanding of the science, engineering and social sciences at work in the ongoing developments in the production, transmission, storage and use of energy, as well as the policy issues involved.

Economy, Humanities and social sciences

Cairn Info - Overall package (journals)
Areas covered: human and social sciences.
Format: full-text article database.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

The platform provides access to the overall package of humanities and social science journals, with over 630 titles, mainly in French.

OpenEdition - OpenEdition Center
Areas covered: social science and humanities.
Format: full-text magazines
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

A national research infrastructure since 2016, OpenEdition includes 4 publishing and information platforms: OpenEdition Journals (journals), OpenEdition Books (book collections), Hypotheses (research notebooks) and Calenda (announcements of international academic events).

eBooks collection: only titles selected for open access or with the Freemium logo are accessible.

User guide

Press, News

Europresse - Cision
Areas covered : regional actuality press, national and international.
Format : database of full-text articles.
Access : on-site (IP) or mobile access.

Europresse has more than 52 000 sources that are covering international, national and regional news. You can find articles from newspaper or periodical (for example: Le Monde and its archives since 1987), specialized publications, RSS feed, transcripts of tv shows and radios, bibliographic records, company’s profile, referenced websites, blogs, etc.

N.B.: you can access an article via an advanced search or directly from the publication in PDF format.

Warning: the number of simultaneous connections to Europresse is limited.
Don’t forger to disconnect at the end of your session.

User guide (french)

The MetaNews
Areas covered : research policy, funding, careers, practical tools, ethical debates, polemics.
Format : interviews, articles, newsletters and opinion pieces.
Access : on-site (IP) or mobile access.

TheMetaNews is an independent, advertising-free medium designed to inform and bring together all those involved in research, whatever their discipline or career level.
Condensing the latest research news, it covers all the subjects common to all disciplines, with two issues a week featuring interviews, letters to the editor and opinion pieces, all of which can be consulted online.
More than 250 complete newsletters and over 600 articles are available to this day.

Bibliographic and bibliometric database

Scopus - Elsevier
Areas covered (multidisciplinary): sciences and technology, medicine, humans and social sciences, arts.
Format: database of bibliographic and citation references
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

Scopus is a multidisciplinary bibliographic database (journals, articles, book collections, conference proceedings, etc.), providing summaries and citations for the evaluation of scientific information. It indexes over 22,000 peer-reviewed journals from 5,000 international publishers, 3.6 million conference proceedings, 23 million patents and 350 book collections. The database provides a comprehensive overview of the results of worldwide research in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, with significant coverage of the humanities and social sciences and non-English-language journals.
Bibliometric indicators (measuring the impact of publications by the number of citations), H-index calculations and numerous statistics are also provided.

User guide

SciVal - Elsevier
Scival is a benchmarking tool for institutions, enabling them to exploit and analyse research trends using data from the Scopus and Science Direct databases.
The performance of over 24,000 research institutions in more than 230 countries can be tracked via a researcher’s number of publications, journal rankings, number of citations for an article, etc.
A wide range of functions are available, such as citation registration, comparative analyses, collaborative partnerships, alerts, etc.
To use SciVal, create an account.

Introduction to SciVal
Introduction to the six SciVal modules

BrightTALK is a technology media company providing professional webinar hosting.

Web of Science - Clarivate Analytics
Areas covered (multidisciplinary) : Agriculture, biology, engineering, medicine, health sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, anthropology, law, information sciences, architecture, dance, film and theater.
Format: bibliographic and citation database.
Access mode: on-site (IP) and remote (VPN).

Web of Science is a scientific and technical information platform comprising bibliographic and bibliometric databases. The six databases (‘Science’, ‘Social Sciences’, ‘Arts & Humanities’, ‘Conference Proceedings’, ‘Book’ and ‘Emerging Sources’) provide access to bibliographic references to articles, conference proceedings and books.
The total content consists of over 20,000 periodicals, 100,000 books, and over 8 million conference proceedings.
Web of Science is also a citation database that measures the impact of articles by their number of citations.

User guide
User guide bis
Bibliometry tutorials

Resource acquired through « Licences Nationales » - ABES - MESRI
Areas covered (multidisciplinary).
Format: Full text of journal’s archive, e-books, encyclopedias, dictionaries.
Access: on-site (IP) and remote access (VPN).

Licences Nationales is a permanent acquisition of books and electronic journals that are available to all the communities of higher education school.  Access to 44 corpus from different editors.
Ex: Brill, Cambridge University Press, Classiques Garnier, De Gruyter, DUKE Journal, Emerald, Elsevier, IOP, Nature journals, Oxford University Press, SAGE, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley … Research directly from the editor’s platforms, from ISTEX or Focus (common view).

User guide

For the students and staff of Télécom Paris, you should connect through the intranet Eole to have more information about access and connection.