Help in submitting and publishing your thesis
The library assists the students and the researchers with the official subission in compliance with the ministerial decree from 07 August 2006, «concerning the requirements for : submitting, reporting, publishing and storing theses or works presented in thesis for a doctorate». Télécom Paris’ theses are stored only in electronic format since 2012 (official format). The theses that are stored in hard copy (before 2012) are available on site at the library.
The CRDN uses the STAR (Signalement des Thèses Électroniques, Archivage et Recherche) application from ABES which can be used by institutions that have PhD programs for the production of descriptives metadata for theses (Title(s), keywords, summary…) and for publishing and archiving theses.
Guidelines for submitting theses
For the presentation and publication of Télécom Paris’ theses, follow the steps and rules described below
- Steps to follow when submitting your thesis
- How to format your thesis :
– Video tutorial : IP Paris – Thesis Layout Guidelines
– Front page templates - Rights and conditions of publishing your thesis
Thesis research
- : a website for searching through French PhD theses and their drafts
- SUDOC : a catalogue to find all theses including specific PhD theses
- HAL-Thèses : all thesis submitted on HAL, an open national archive for scientific publications
- DART-Europe : electronic theses from different European universities
The CRDN is available to help PhD students to submit their theses correctly.
Contact :
- Imène Denine Chargée des ressources électroniques, administratrice HAL et correspondante Thèsesemailemail