Scientific publications from Télécom Paris

Télécom Paris’ scientific publications

HAL – Télécom Paris open archives

The Télécom Paris HAL open archive enables scientific publications (articles, pre-publications, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc.) by members of the institution to be deposited and consulted. As a showcase for Télécom Paris research, it contributes to the institution’s influence and visibility, both nationally and internationaly. The HAL online platform is part of the worldwide open science movement. The CRDN plays a central role in the development of open science and open archives, helping lecturers and doctoral students to deposit their publications. Télécom Paris is a member of the Institut Mines Télécom (IMT) and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris). Consult the collection:
HAL IP Paris


TELTheses from doctorates
TEL is HAL’s collection, dedicated to doctorate’s  theses and accreditation to conduct a research.


Annals of Telecommunications (Journal)
Annals of Telecommunications is an international journal, funded in 1946, that publish originals articles in the telecommunication areas. The journal is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science and established the impact factor to 1,546 for 2019. Annals of Telecommunications is published by Springer

Online access