Video: our new premises in less than 180 seconds!

The building was designed by the Grafton Architects firm. It opens out onto the large central square, just a few meters away from the future line 18 metro station. The five-story building will measure 200 meters long by 100 meters wide for a total surface area of approximately 40,000 m².
In the atrium, the entrance hall provides access to the main meeting spaces and teaching and research areas. The façades reveal the beautiful interior spaces, designed with meticulous attention on every level in respect to rhythm, relationships between positive and negative space and transparency. Green areas and patios will be available for everyone’s enjoyment.

Shared Educational Building
As part of the development of the Paris-Saclay urban campus, a new shared educational building with a floor area of 9,983 m² will be built in the western part of the École polytechnique district. This building will make it possible to develop shared educational programs for six higher education and research institutions in the district: École polytechnique, Télécom Paris, AgroParisTech, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris and Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS).
The building will be home to 150 staff and accommodate 2,000 students. It will include auditoriums, classrooms, distance learning classrooms, video conference rooms and collaborative working spaces in order to support the development of new learning methods such as work cubicles or project rooms.
The future building will include some greenery and a series of walkways and staircases. Its large transparent façade will look out onto the “green” located to the east, an extensive public space with lawns and trees. The building has been designed with an environmentally-friendly approach, both in terms of continuity with the surrounding environment and functional characteristics, with the goal of obtaining HQE (High Environmental Quality) certification.
Télécom Paris has been present on the Palaiseau campus since 2012 through Nano-INNOV. The buildings (designed by JMReynier Architecte) are located in the École polytechnique district of campus. Some fifty individuals from Télécom SudParis and Télécom Paris research teams are located there and contribute to the development of the NanoSciences/Nanotechnologies research area.
These teams work on selected research topics for which collaboration with CEA-LIST teams exists already or is likely to be developed.
The fields involved include optics, interaction for multimedia (biometrics, telemonitoring) and a few research professors who work in fields related to networks and embedded systems.