Maps & Directions

Télécom Paris (Palaiseau)

Since 2019, Télécom Paris is located at:
19, place Marguerite Perey
CS 20031
F-91123 Palaiseau Cedex


The Télécom Paris campus is conveniently located only 20 kilometers south of Paris so there are a number of ways to get here.

Getting here by public transportation

2 ways to get here:

> RER B Massy-Palaiseau station + bus
Map of the Massy-Palaiseau station and bus stops
At the station, take the bus 91.06 or 91.10.
Alight at: Ferme de la Vauve bus stop.

> RER B Le Guichet station (nearest walking distance)
Pedestrian itinerary of about 15-20 minutes: take the rue du Pont de Pierre exit, then climb the stairs of the passage du Buisson, then rue de la Vauve and the footbridge through Eugène Chanlon park.

RER Le Guichet Télécom Paris

Getting here by car

> From Porte d’Orléans or Porte d’Italie: take the A6 highway

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> From Pont de Sèvres: take N118

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Check traffic conditions in real time.

Public parking spaces are located in the vicinity of Boulevard Thomas Gobert (indoor parking only open to guests and on request).

GPS coordinates:  48.712793, 2.199441

Nearby airports

  • Orly Airport: direct bus 91.10 or
    via Orlyval, change at Antony then RER B to Massy-P. (+ bus) or Le Guichet (+ walk)
  • Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport: direct by RER B to Massy-P. (+ bus) or Le Guichet (+ walk)

Download the map of airports, train and RER stations.


Video: our new premises in less than 180 seconds!

Welcome (2'32" video)



Reception service