EDS 2024: ELLIS Doctoral Symposium on Machine Learning Research
03 September 2024
The fourth annual ELLIS Doctoral Symposium, focusing on AI & Sustainability, was held in Paris on August 26-30, 2024.
It gathered PhD students to present and discuss machine learning research.
The event was organized by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IPP) at Télécom Paris, a leading French engineering school renowned for its contributions to digital technology, AI, and telecommunications.
ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems) is an European AI network established in 2018, focused on advancing AI research and education across 43 units in 17 countries. It runs a top-tier PhD program funded by the European Union, which is currently piloted by Télécom Paris.
At IP Paris and Télécom Paris, we were delighted to host more than 100 PhD students. We had the opportunity to listen to talks from various keynotes. It was a great experience for them. The questions and participation from the audience were excellent. And the social events helped the students build connections. The atmosphere was friendly and enjoyable. I think everyone was pleased with the event.
Florence d’Alché-Buc – Professor at Télécom Paris
It was truly a great opportunity for me to be here. It wasn’t just about AI and sustainability, but also about other topics that, for me as a PhD student, are really important. Also, how to communicate scientifically, for example.
I enjoyed the group size as well. It was nice that it was just us, and we could really talk to each other, and throughout the week, we could exchange ideas, gain new insights, and learn about the main topics of their research. And I really, really enjoyed participating in this event. I’m looking forward to the next ELLIS Doctoral Symposium in 2025.
Sophie Boettcher – PhD student (Esslingen – University of Applied Sciences)
I found that not only I, but also all my colleagues, felt it was important to start thinking about how we can contribute to society and to the environment. What I also liked about this conference was the opportunity to meet different researchers working on various types of projects. So it brings the interdisciplinary concept to life, and helps foster collaboration in the future and strengthens connections among us.
Matias Pizarro – PhD student (Ruhr University)
We’d like to thank our sponsors. The event was mainly supported by the European Projects ELIAS, ELISe, and ELSA, and we had Hi!Paris and E4C as main sponsors. The next EDS will be held in Warsaw, organized by the ELLIS unit in Warsaw.
Florence d’Alché-Buc – Professor at Télécom Paris

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