Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Systèmes embarqués critiques autonomes (ACES)Autonomous Critical Embedded Systems (ACES)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Informatique et Réseaux (Infres)Computer Sciences and Networks (Infres)
I am an associated professor at Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and a member of the ACES (Autonomous and Critical Embedded Systems) research group of the LTCI (Information Processing and Communications Laboratory) lab.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada in 1989 and a Master of Science in Astrophysics from the University of British Columbia, Canada in 1994.
I then worked in the software development industry for many years as a software architect at Cassiopae.
Then I worked at the Lab-STICC as a research engineer where in parallel I received a PhD in computer science from the University of South Brittany in France.
After PhD I worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the System Analysis and Modeling group of the Hasso Plattner Institute of the University of Potsdam in Germany.
Recent Events
- We have received the 2022 IP Paris Prémat grant to extend RAMSES to cover the robotics domain
- Our paper « A benchmark of incremental model transformation tools based on an industrial case study with AADL« has received the SoSyM-First Paper award at the MODELS 2022 conference.
- Our paper « Solving the Instance Model-View Update Problem in AADL » have been accepted at the MODELS 2022 conference.
- Our fourth Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS) workshop has been accepted at the MODELS 2022 conference.
Open Positions
- PhD position on Integrating Vehicular Safety and Cyber Security to Systems Design
- Research Engineer or Postdoc position on automatic code generation for ROS-based Robotic Applications
- Internship on automatic code generation for ROS-based Robotic Applications
- PhD position on model-based systems engineering for assessing the security of cyber-physical systems
Research Interests
My research interests are about Model-Based Engineering (MBE). As a former engineer who worked in the software development industry for several years before joining academia, I am interested in making current model-based approaches and their implementing tools issued from research ready for industry settings. Despite the large number of approaches and tools that have been proposed, important issues remain such as scalability, usability and other issues related to model management that require more research in order to be addressed properly.
In particular, I am working on foundations for Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS). Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM) is a school of thought that advocates the combination of reusable modular modeling languages of different paradigms instead of using a single monolithic language for modeling the whole system. MPM also recommends that all parts and aspects of a system be modeled explicitly at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction, using the most appropriate modeling formalisms to deal with engineering heterogeneity. During the MPM4CPS COST action IC1404, we have developed an ontological foundation of MPM4CPS expressed as an integrated set of OWL ontologies. The integrated ontology captures the core notions for the MPM, CPS and MPM4CPS domains with a new notion of MPM4CPS viewpoint.
MPM means that several models are jointly employed when developing CPSs, in order to cover the different properties of interests, different levels of abstraction and engineering domains. These models, whose information often overlap must therefore be properly managed throughout development to ensure that the models, their interplay and the activities performed on these models are handled properly. This is called Model Management and is also a research topic I am interested in.
Finally, I am also interested in the engineering of domain-specific modeling languages and in particular in the industry standard SAE AADL (Architecture Analysis & Design Language) modeling language for analyzing and synthesizing cyber-physical systems. I have been a member of the AADL standardization committee for more than 10 years. I contributed the RDAL language, which served as a basis for the ALISA (Architecture-Led Incremental System Assurance) framework. I also use the AADL ecosystem to evaluate MBE approaches and to prototype our new ideas. Thanks to its richness and complexity, AADL is an excellent candidate for such work.
Research Projects
- ARCHEOCS: Architectural Exploration and Optimization on Complex SoCs (ongoing)
- CAOTIC: Collaborative Action on Timing Interference (ongoing)
- FARO: Fondements Algorithmiques des essaims de RObots (ongoing)
- CERES (Cybersecurity Evaluation in Realistic EnvironmentS)
- ACMoM: Architecture-Centric Model Management for ACVIP (Architecture Virtual Integration Process), funded by U.S. ARMY CCDC – ATLANTIC, DEVCOM,
- PST: Transportation Systems Performances
- MPM4CPS (Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems) COST Action IC1404, funded by EU
- Kaolin (Model-based EDA Tool to Program, Reuse or Retarget Embedded Systems on FPGAs), funded by Brittany region
- ADOSATE (Synchronizing the Adele and OSATE AADL Editors with Triple Graph Grammars)
- GLASSES (Génie Logiciel Appliqué aux SystèmeS EmbarquéS), funded by Brittany region
- Open-PEOPLE (Open Power and Energy Optimization PLatform and
Estimator), funded by ANR - SPICES (Support for Predictable Integration of mission Critical Embedded Systems), funded by EUREKA-ITEA
Standardization Committees
- SAE AS2C AADL (Architecture Analysis & Design Language)
Organization Committees
- Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop at MODELS conference
- Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems Training School, Pisa, Italy
- Vice-chair of working group 1 on foundations for the COST Action IC1404 MPM4CPS
- Two Multi-Paradigm Modeling workshops for COST Action IC1404 at Telecom Paris
Research Supervisions
- Postdoc of Rizwan Parveen and Hana Mkaouar
- PhD thesis of Rakshit Mittal, Anish Bhobe and Yara Hallak
- Master thesis internships of Hugo Teixeira and Rakshit Mittal
- Bachelor thesis of Shlok Desai, Yash Bhartia, Rochishnu Banerjee, Rakshit Mittal and Anish Bhobe
- Internships of Vsevolod Omelkov, Junior Porte, Ines Khemir, Alexandre Barraux, Alice Goudout, Moemoea Fierin, Arthur Vuagniaux, Arthur Remaud, Fabien Tessier
Evaluation Committees
- Examiner for the PhD thesis of Sylvain Guérin
- Opponent for the master thesis of Luís Duarte Martins Bastos de Oliveira, University Nova, Lisbon Portugal
- Examiner for the PhD thesis of Elie Richa, Telecom Paris
- Examiner for the PhD thesis of Cuauhtemoc Castellanos, Telecom Paris
Reviewing Committees
- TOSEM (ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology)
- JSA (Journal of Systems Architecture)
- SIMPAT (Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory)
- JSME (Journal of Software: Evolution and Process)
- SoSyM (Software and Systems Modeling)
- SCICO (Science of Computer Programming)
- JOT (Journal of Object Technology)
- FGCS (Future Generation Computer Systems)
- ACM TECS (Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems)
- STTT (International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)
- ESE (Empirical Software Engineering)
- SQJ (Software Quality Journal)
- RE (Requirements Engineering)
- IET (Computers & Digital Techniques)
Teaching Activities
- Programmation Orientée Objet en Java (INF103)
- Programmation Orientée Objet (CYBER701)
- Langage C (INF104)
- Systèmes d’exploitation (INF106)
- Modélisation et Conception de Systèmes Logiciels (SLR202)
- Modélisation, génération de code et vérification (SE206)
- Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués Critiques partie 2 (SE301b)
- Model-Driven Engineering master project at the Hasso Plattner Instute, University of Potsdam (past)
- Model-based engineering with SysML and AADL at the Université of South Brittany (past)
Tutorials at Conferences
- Dominique Blouin and Anish Bhobe, « Embedded systems modeling, analysis and automatic code generation with AADL and RAMSES (Hand-on Tutorial) », 3rd Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (SS-CPS&IoT’2022)
- Dominique Blouin, Ludovic Apvrille and Maysam Zoor , « Practical embedded systems modeling and SSP verification with TTool (Hands-on Tutorial) », 1st Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (SS-CPS&IoT’2019)
- Dominique Blouin and Etienne Borde, « Refinement of AADL Models for the Synthesis of Embedded Systems (RAMSES) », Tutorial at the winter AADL User Days Meeting, 2018
- Etienne Borde, Dominique Blouin and João Cambeiro, « Architecture Modeling Illustrated with AADL », Tutorial at the MPM4CPS Pisa Training School, 2018
- Dominique Blouin and Ludovic Apvrille, « Design of Efficient, Safe and Secure Embedded Systems with TTool » , NewCas’2018
- Dominique Blouin, « AADL Requirements Annex Tutorial », AADL User Days, 2013
- O. Zendra, D. Blouin, E. Senn, C. Belleudy, D. Chillet, A. Fritsch, R. Ben Atitallah, C. Samoyeau, K. Roussel, « Open Power and Energy Optimization PLatform and Estimator (Open-PEOPLE) », Tutorial at the 8th International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC), 2013
Invited Presentations
- Model Management for Architecture-Centric Development of Cyber-Physical Systems with Multi-Paradigm Modeling, Keynote talk at the first IFSA ARCI Conference, 2020.
- Bi-directional Model Synchronization with MoTE Demo, NII Shonan Meeting # 091 on Bidirectional Transformations, 2016.
- AADL and Multi-Paradigm Modeling, Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) Seminar, 2015.
- Modeling Requirements of Embedded Systems with RDAL. Dagstuhl seminar # 13051, Software Certification: Methods and Tools, Wadern, Germany, 2013.
- D. Blouin, E. Senn and S. Turki, RDAL: un nouveau langage pour la définition et la vérification d’exigences pour AADL et d’autres langages de description d’architectures de systèmes embarqués. Journées NEPTUNE, Paris, France, 2011.
RAMSES platform, mission-critical real-time embedded systems
Digital Trust, Faculty Members — 10/03/2025RAMSES offers an AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language) compiler, a standardized language used [...]RAMSES, maître du temps des systèmes embarqués
Digital Trust, Faculty Members — 10/03/2025RAMSES est une plateforme d’aide à la conception des systèmes temps réel embarqués critiques.Please, Listen to This! A direct sound experience in an urban environment
Engineers — 22/07/2024The project is inspired by the launch of Sony's first Walkman in 1979, and aims to recreate a similar [...]Please, Listen to This! Une expérience sonore directe
Engineers — 22/07/2024Le projet s'inspire du lancement du premier Walkman (1979). Il propose de recréer une performance similaire avec des [...]