David BounieProfessor
Head of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Head of the Digital Finance Chair

Repères biographiquesShort Biography


My research is interested in how digital technologies are transforming the finance industry (digital payments, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence) in developed and developing countries (financial inclusion) as well as the media and advertising industries. My research traverses the fields of economics, social sciences, and data science. A primary objective of my research is to go beyond academia to impact the society.



Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

I collaborate with colleagues in Economics, Statistics and Computer sciences from universities, public institutions and private research companies. Beyond academic journals, some of my recent works have been published in central banks’ working paper series such as the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the Bank of Canada, De Nederlandsche Bank, the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Austrian Central Bank, and the Colombian Central Bank.

In March 2021, I’m elected « Louis Bachelier Fellow » to the « College academic fellows » of the Louis Bachelier Institute among 80 new international professors in economics and finance. Coming from the academic world, the Fellows are personalities recognized for the quality of their work in economics and finance related to the Institute’s themes such as banking transitions, societal transitions, environmental transitions, and digital transitions.

I am the co-founder of the Chair Digital Finance with Marianne Verdier in partnership with Institut Louis Bachelier.

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