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Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Data, Intelligence and Graphs (DIG)Data, Intelligence and Graphs (DIG)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Informatique et Réseaux (Infres)Computer Sciences and Networks (Infres)
Antoine Amarilli is Associate Professor in Computer Science at Télécom Paris in the DIG team. Since september 2024, he is on leave to work as advanced researcher in the LINKS team at Inria Lille.
After obtaining the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI) from the École Normale Supérieure in 2012, he began his thesis at Télécom Paris on the subject « Leveraging the structure of uncertain data » under the supervision of Pierre Senellart. He obtained his PhD in computer science in March 2016, which was awarded the Télécom Paris PhD prize and a Beth Dissertation Award. He receives his habilitation (HDR) in 2023.
His research topics focus on theoretical computer science, and more specifically the theory of data management. He received the best paper award at the ICDT 2020 conference for his work A Dichotomy for Homomorphism-Closed Queries on Probabilistic Graphs and the best paper award at the ICALP 2021 track B conference for Dynamic Membership for Regular Languages. His research works and talks are available online. He served on the program committee of conferences such as ICDT 2024, ICALP 2022, STACS 2021, or AAAI 2021. He was an inagural managing editor of TheoretiCS from . In 2022, he was a local organizer for the conference Highlights of Logic, Games, and Automata. In 2023, he takes part to the program Logic and Algorithms in Database Theory and AI at the Simons Institute in Berkeley.
He publishes a personal website and blog, and is an animator of the TCS4F initiative on the climate crisis and of No free view? No review! on open access to scientific publications.
Antoine Amarilli is a member of the studies committee of the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science for Télécom Paris. He teaches in particular in the engineering curriculum at Télécom Paris.
He was the director of the ICPC SWERC (Southwestern Europe Regional Contest) programming competition from 2017 to 2020. He won in 2015 the first place at the Google Hash Code programming contest
La lettre Ideas : IA et ressources en eau, Bilan carbone, Impact carbone
— 28/03/2024[Ideas] Le bilan carbone des chercheurs en informatique
Faculty Members — 26/02/2024Antoine Amarilli : L'évaluation des chercheurs remise en cause par la crise climatique ?[Ideas] IT researchers' carbon footprint
Faculty Members — 26/02/2024Antoine Amarilli: Is the evaluation of researchers called into question by the climate crisis?Télécom Paris Ideas : Le mag' du numérique pour l'humain et son environnement
— 06/02/2024Un pas de côté pour explorer les avancées numériques et les défis éthiques, environnementaux et sociétaux [...]Review: one year of research 2022
Faculty Members, Innovation — 13/06/2023The document depicts the great variety of scientific fields, research projects and applications generated by this abundant ecosystem.Rétrospective : un an de recherche
Faculty Members, Innovation — 13/06/2023L'ouvrage présente la grande diversité des domaines scientifiques du numérique, les travaux des 18 équipes de recherche et les [...]SWERC : un concours de programmation informatique à Télécom Paris
Engineers, Innovation — 28/01/2020L’École Polytechnique a remporté le week-end du 25 et 26 janvier 2020 la finale du concours de [...]SWERC 2019–2020 : et les vainqueurs sont...
Engineers, Innovation — 26/01/2020Le concours de programmation SWERC s’est terminé par la victoire de l’École polytechnique. Ses étudiants prouvent leur [...]SWERC : Finale mondiale de l'ICPC
Engineers — 12/04/2019Télécom ParisTech héberge et organise depuis 2017 la sélection régionale des équipes de l'Europe du Sud-Ouest (SWERC) du concours ICPC. Deux [...]SWERC 2018 : et les vainqueurs sont...
Engineers — 03/12/2018Le concours de programmation SWERC s’est terminé le 2 décembre 2018 par la victoire d’une équipe de l’École Normale Supérieure de [...]