- Microelectronic and optoelectronic components
- Wireless networks
- Optical networks
- Computer science
- Network sciences
- Applied mathematics
- Digital communications and information processing
- Cybersecurity
- Signal and image processing
- Robotics and interfaces
- Algorithmics
- Probability and statistics
- Data sciences
- Computer science
- Applied mathematics
- Cognitive sciences
- Cybersecurity
- Economic sciences
- Management sciences
- Sociology
- Design
- Information and communication sciences
- Acoustics and vibrations
- Energetics
- Earth chemistry and physics
- Process engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Fluid and solid mechanics
- Complex, dynamic and heterogeneous systems
- Applied mathematics
- Quantum and statistical physics
- Astronomy and astrophysics
- Physics of diluted environments
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Plasma physics
- Nuclear and particle physics
- Large instruments
- Condensed matter physics
- Nanosciences
- Lasers, optics and photonics
- Inorganic chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Biomedical engineering
- Biology
- Life sciences
Specializations offered by EDMH
- Applied mathematics
- Mathematics at interfaces
- Core mathematics
Research Teams
At Télécom Paris, you will carry out your PhD at one of our three laboratories:
– CREST: Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (research unit CNRS 9194, with ENSAE Paris and École polytechnique).
– i3: Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (research unit CNRS 9217, with École polytechnique and Mines ParisTech).
– LTCI: Information Processing and Communication Laboratory, awarded the Carnot label and recognized by HCERES for its excellent scientific level.
At LTCI, you will advance and receive support from researchers in one of 15 research teams.
- Florence BesnardCoordinator of the doctoral program administrationTélécom Parisemailemail
- François RoueffDirector of doctoral educationTélécom Parisemailemail