IMAGES team: Image Modeling, Analysis, GEometry & Synthesis
Seminars of IMAGES group
- March, 20th, 2pm: Jérémy Anger, Kayrros, ENS Paris-Saclay, « A tour of self-supervised super-resolution for optical satellite images » and Arnaud Quillent, Télécom Paris and General Electric Healthcare, « Rôle de l’apprentissage profond dans la reconstruction tridimensionnelle en tomosynthèse du sein »
- February 13th, 2 pm: Jean Prost, Central Lille Institut, « Image restoration with hierarchical variational autoencoders » and Thomas Bultingaire, Télécom Paris, « Modelling Despeckling Uncertainty for Unsupervised Synthetic Aperture Radar Change Detection »
- January 23rd, 2 pm: Antonin Wattel, Télécom Paris, « Exemple-based pattern analysis on surfaces »
- December 19th, 2 pm: Benjamin Samuth, ENSICaen, « Ηybrid mοdels cοmbining deep neural representatiοns and nοn-parametric patch-based methοds fοr phοtοrealistic image generatiοn »
- November 7th, 2 pm: Matthieu Terris, INRIA Saclay, « Equivariant priors for image restoration »
- October 3rd, 2 pm: Arthur Leclaire, IMAGES Team, Télécom Paris, « Diffusion models »
- June 13th, 2 pm: François Orieux, L2S, CentraleSupélec
- May 16th, 2pm: Gwilherm Lesné, IMAGES team, Télécom Paris, « Neural film grain rendering »
- Apr 11th, 2 pm: Radu-Alexandru Dragomir, S2A, Télécom Paris, « Optimization methods: beyond Euclidean geometry and convexity »
- Mar 14th, 2pm: Jérémy Cohen, CNRS, CREATIS lab, « Implicit Regularization in Regularized (Nonnegative) Low-Rank Approximations »
- Feb 8th, 2pm: Rémy Abergel, Université Paris Descartes (MAP5), « Variational methods for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging »
- Jan 11th, 2pm: Benjamin Billot, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, « Bridging generative models and CNNs for domain-agnostic segmentation of brain MRI scans »
- Dec 12th, 2pm [Room 1C43] Théo Archambault, « Pre-training and fine-tuning neural networks to interpolate Sea Surface Height maps from multi-variate satellite observations »
- Nov 30th, 2pm [Room : 0D17]: Arthur Leclaire, Télécom Paris, « On the gradient formula for WGAN learning ». Arnaud Quillent, Télécom Paris, « Deep learning uncertainty estimation for data-consistent breast tomosynthesis reconstruction »
- Nov 9th, 2pm: « Welcome Day » for the new PhD students in the IMAGES group. Oral & Poster presentations.
- Oct 19th, 2 p.m [Room 4A467]. Francescopaolo Sica, Bundeswehr Munich University, « Advances in Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing: Harnessing Deep Learning for Improved Imaging and Applications ». Nicolas Chérel, Télécom Paris, « Diffusion model for image and vidéo inpainting ».
- Th 22nd, 10 am: Junjun Pan, University of Hongkong, « Quaternion matrix and tensor-based methods with applications on polarized images and color video »
- Fr 23rd, 10 am: Arthur Leclaire, Université de Bordeaux, « Mathematical analysis of Plug and Play methods for inverse problems in imaging »
- Fr 23rd, 4pm: Behnood Rasti, « Image Processing and Machine learning for Hyperspectral Unmixing«
- Ju 21st, 2pm: Alexandre Constantin, GIPSA lab.
- Jan 6th: Charles Soussen, CentraleSupelec – L2S, « Orthogonal greedy algorithms for sparse reconstruction ».
- Sept 23rd: 1. Emanuele Dalsasso, « As if by magic: self-supervised training of deep despeckling networks with MERLIN » 2. Jonathan Vacher, « Flexibly Regularized Mixture Models and Application to Image Segmentation »
- February 3, 2pm: 1. Carlo Alberto Barbano (University of Turin) -COVID-19 detection from CXRs & Entangling and Disentangling deep representations for bias correction — 2. Arthur Ouaknine (Télécom Paris) – Scene understanding using raw radar data for autonomous driving.
- March 10, 2pm: 1. Raphaël Achddou – Synthetic images as a regularity prior for image restoration neural networks — 2. Lara Raad – Image colorization using adversarial learning and semantic information
- April 14, 2pm: 1. Vicky Kalogeiton (LIX) – Computer graphics and deep learning — 2. Benoît Dufumier – « Contrastive Learning with Continuous Proxy Meta-Data for 3D MRI Classification »
- June 2, 10am: Emin Zerman – « Quality Assessment and User Interaction for Volumetric Video Technologies »
- June 3, 10am: Amal Dev Parakkat – « Interactive sketch processing »
- June 4, 10am: Francesco Banterle – « How Can We Make Good Use of High Dynamic Range for Rendering? A Story With and Without Deep Learning »
- March 10, 2pm: 1. Stéphane Lathuiliere – Deformations in deep models for image and video generation — 2. Alasdair Newson – Understanding and organising the latent space of autoencoder
- October 21: 1. Emanuele Dalsasso – Apprentissage profond pour l’imagerie SAR: du débruitage à l’interprétation de scène — 2. Antoine Houdard — Transport optimal pour l’apprentissage de modèles génératifs : application à la synthèse de texture par patchs
- December 7: Welcome Day for the new PhD candidates. Poster presentations.
- December 9: 1. Mengyu Chu – Detail Synthesis for Fluids and Videos with Deep-Learning Algorithms — 2. Matthis Maillard – Knowledge distillation from multi-modal to mono-modal segmentation networks
- January 29, 1pm: Hong Sun, Prof Wuhan University – Machine-Learning for Classifications of Remote Sensing Imagery
– Pixel-Object-Scene Classifications of Optical-SAR-PolSAR Data - March 20, 2:30pm: Qi Wang, Assistant Professor, Lab for Neural Engineering and Control, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University – Brain state dependent thalamic information processing and perception
- May 27: Christophe Lino – Toward Tools Incorporating Knowledge for Virtual Cameras and Lights
- June 3: Christian Lessig (Magdeburg University, Germany) – Towards Structure Preserving and Adaptive Simulations in Computer Graphics
- June 3: Adnane Boukhayma (Univ. Oxford, UK) – Data-driven human shape analysis and synthesis
- June 3: Kiwon Um (Technical University of Munich, Germany) – Recreating and Understanding Nature with Perceivable Data and Deep Learning
- December 17: Welcome day: Kiwon Um and PhD presentations
- January 25, 2pm: Stanley Durrleman (ARAMIS) – Building Digital Models of Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
- March 23, 2pm: Alasdair Newson – Film Grain Synthesis and Autoencoding Geometric Shapes
- March 27, 10am: Maria Vakalopoulou (Center for Visual Computing laboratory, CentraleSupélec) – Advanced Computer Vision and Machine Learning Techniques for Remote Sensing and Medical Applications
- April 3, 10am: Betrand Le Saux (ONERA) – Deep Learning for Scene Understanding, from 2D to 3D
- April 6, 1pm: Adeline Paiement (Swansea University, UK) – Designing computer vision and deep learning methods for scientific image analysis
- April 12, 10am: Stavros Tsogkas (Computer science department of the University of Toronto) – Learning mid-level representations for computer vision
- May 31, 3pm: Ramon Pino Pérez (Univ. Los Andes, Meria, Venezuela) – Fusion de croyances et impossibilité
- June 1, 11am: Wing-Kin (Ken) Ma (Chinese University of Hong Kong) – Hyperspectral Unmixing in Remote Sensing: Learn the Wisdom There and Go Beyond (Machine Learning Included)
- June 13, 10:30am: Giovanni Sileno – On the problems of interface: conceptual spaces, pertinence, explainability
- September 5, 2pm: Maxime Fondin – Segmentation et comptage de follicules ovariens en IRM
- September 21, 12:30am: Bastien Ponchon – Morphological Multi-scale Decompositions and efficient representations with Auto-Encoders
- September 27, 3pm: Chris Tralie (postdoctoral associate at the Information Initiative at Duke) – Geometric Audiovisual Signal Processing
- November 15, 2:30pm: Pierre Roussillon – surface and curve matching using normal cycles, and Jean Feydy – optimal transport
- 2017
- January 19, 2pm: Josef Sivic, INRIA – Learning visual representations from Internet data – 3pm: Pietro Gori – Learning the structural organization of anatomical shape complexes
- February 23, 2pm: Valérie Gouet, IGN – About image-based localization
- April 27, 3pm: Josiane Zerubia, INRIA – Marked Point Processes for Object Detection and Tracking in High Resolution Images: Applications to Remote Sensing and Biology – 4pm: Alasdair Newson – Stochastic Modeling and Realistic Rendering of Film Grain
- June 1st, 11am: Julien Tierny, LIP6 – Topological data analysis and TTK software
- June 15th, 2pm: Charles Deledalle, IMB – MuLoG: MUlti-channel LOgarithm with Gaussian denoising – 3pm: Samy Blusseau – he Human vision compared to models of contours and flat surfaces perception
- October 19, 2pm: Jesus Angulo (Centre de Morphologie Mathématique des Mines ParisTech) – semi-groupes morphologiques sur des espaces métriques et ultramétriques ;
Samy Blusseau – analyse morphologique d’images de tenseurs. - November 23, 2pm: Damien Rohmer (LIX) – Efficient Developable Surface Modeling: From Garment Design to Paper Animation ; Alasdair Newson – How do Autoencoders Encode Geometric Shapes?
- 2016
- January 7, 2016 (MAP5, salle du conseil de l’aile Turing) – SMATI seminar – Nicolas Bonneel (3pm) : Transport optimal en informatique graphique – Camille Sutour (4pm) : Vision nocturne numérique
- February 11, 2016 (C49) – SMATI seminar – Stanley Durrleman (3pm) : Apprentissage de modèles virtuels de la structure cérébrale à partir de données de neuroimagerie – Maxime Daisy
- February 18, 2016, 3pm, C49 – Olivier Fercoq: Primal-dual coordinate descent
- April 7, 2016 (C49) – SMATI seminar
– Gabriel Peyré (3pm) : Transport optimal numérique et applications –
Blanche Buet (4pm) : Approximation de surfaces par des varifolds discrets - March 24, 2016, 3pm, C47 – Isabelle Bloch: Formal concept analysis and mathematical morphology
- March 10, 2016 (MAP5, salle de conseil de l’aile Turing) – SMATI seminar
– Julien Rabin (3pm) : Segmentation d’images et transport optimal d’histogrammes – Yann Traonmilin (4pm) : Un cadre pour la reconstruction
de signaux de faible complexité et son application à la parcimonie structurée
(4pm) : Inpainting basé motif d’images et de vidéos apokiqué aux données stéréoscopiques avec carte de profondeur
- June 9, 2016, 3pm (B316) – Mariano Tepper: Matrix factorization for big data: From data analysis to ensemble problems
- June 2, 2016 (C49) – SMATI seminar – François Malgouyres (3pm) : Optimisation de transformée rapide
structurée en arbre convolutionnel – Rémy Abergel (4pm) : The Shannon
total variation - May 12, 2016 (MAP5, salle de conseil de l’aile Turing) – SMATI seminar
– Cécile Louchet (3pm) : Statistique fonctionnelle et quelques
applications à l’image – Guillaume Tartavel (4pm) : Wasserstein Loss for
Image Synthesis and Restoration - March 2: Luca de Masi – Segmentation of pelvic pediatric MRI.
- March 20: Cécile Muller – Pelvis neural network : MRI neurotractography vs Lightsheet microscopy
TOMOGRAPHY BY GRAPH-CUT WITH STATISTICAL SHAPE PRIORS - May 2: Hélène Urien – Brain lesion detection in 3D PET images using max-trees and a new spatial context criterion
- May 18: Hadrien Bertrand, Alessio Virzi: ISBI overview
- October 13, 3pm: W. Pieczynski (Telecom Sud Paris) – Modèles de Markov triplets en signal et image
- November 24, 4:30pm: Pietro Gori – Learning the structural organization of anatomical shape complexes
- November 29, 3pm: Gerard Sanroma – MSClique: Multiple structure discovery through the maximum weighted clique problem
- November 29, 4pm: Ahmad Chaddad – Radiomic application on medical images
- November 30, 9:30am: Stian Normann Anfinsen, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Philippe Réfrégier
- December 1, 2pm: Alba Garcia – Content-based fMRI brain maps retrieval
- 2015
- January 23, 2015, 11:00am – Henri Maître (F900) : De la photo argentique à la photo computationnelle.
- January 15, 2015, 3pm – Joint TII-MAP5 seminar (C49) – Lionel Moisan : MAP, LSE, ICE : 3 variantes pour la régularisation par variation totale – Vincent Duval : Garanties théoriques pour les méthodes de déconvolution avec a priori de parcimonie.
- February 5, 2015, 3pm – Joint TII-MAP5 seminar (Paris Descartes, salle du conseil, 7e étage) – Agnès Desolneux : quand l’approche a
contrario devient générative – Marc Lebrun : From Theory to Practice: a Tour of Image Denoising - Jeudi 21 avril à 10h30 en salle C49 – Rémy Abergel – Méthodes duales pour la minimisation de la variation totale
- Jeudi 31 mars à 10h15 en salle C49 – Steve Oudot – Topological Descriptors for Geometric Data Comparison
- Jeudi 11 février 2016 à 10h15 (en C49) – Isabelle Bloch – Mathematical morphology from an algebraic point of view
- Jeudi 19 novembre à 10h30 (en amphi Estaunié) – Frédéric Dufaux – HDR Video Coding: challenges and recent research activities
- Jeudi 22 octobre à 10h30 (en C49) – Gersende Fort – Méthodes de Monte Carlo par Chaînes de Markov
- 25 juin – Bruno Vallet (IGN) – Collecte de données 3D pour la modélisation urbaine à l’IGN, résultats, verrous et tendances
- 16 avril – Isabelle Bloch – Probabilités et modélisation de l’incertitude : un point de vue historique
- 1 avril 2015 – Laurent Mugnier (ONERA) – Optique adaptative et applications
- March 17, 2015, 2pm (C06) – Carlos Lopez-Martinez (Barcelona) : PolSAR and PolInSAR Temporal Series Analysis with Binary Partition Trees – Hong Sun (Wuhan)
- September 13, 10am: Presentation of papers from Medical Imaging Analysis, vol. 33
- September 20, 3pm: Presentation of papers from Medical Imaging Analysis, vol. 33
- September 27, 10am: Presentation of papers from Medical Imaging Analysis, vol. 33
- October 11, 3pm: Hélène Urien – MICCAI MSSEG Challenge
- October 18, 10am: Alessio Virzi – Pelvic bone segmentation in pediatric MRI
- November 21, 4pm: Thais Roque (univ. Oxford) – Medical Imaging
Based Modelling of Tumour Growth: Towards Personalised Predictions – Ruben Sanchez – Presentation of papers from JFR 2016 - November-December: See general team seminars by Pietro Gori, Gerard Sanroma, Ahmad Chaddad, Alba Garcia.
Séminaire Parisien des Mathématiques Appliquées à l’Imagerie.
Medical imaging, digital health and spatial reasoning:
- 2021
- January 11: Robin Kips – Learning to transform the color of objects: color controllable Generative Adversarial Networks.
- January 25
- February 2: Adrien Parrot, Interhop
- February 22: Francesco Maso: Anatomically constrained Cross-domain CT image translation using CycleGAN
- March 1st: Jules Françoise and Baptiste Caramiaux: Marcelle, a new interactive machine learning toolkit.
- March 15: Fabienne Orsi: Communs et santé, un impossible amour ?
- May 5: Feedback on ISBI 2021 – Benoît Dufumier : Contrastive Learning with Continuous Proxy Meta-Data for 3D MRI Classification
- May 17: Giammarco La Barbera: Geometric and Appearance Domain Adaptation for Pediatric Image Segmentation
- June 28: Robin Louiset: UCSL : A Machine Learning Expectation-Maximization framework for Unsupervised Clustering driven by Supervised Learning
- August 30: Feedback from summer schools, general discussion
- 2020
- February 3: Papers from MICCAL Conference
- February 24: round table discussion
- April2: Corentin Mercier – Fast APSS
- April 24: round table discussion
- May 15: Yanis Djebra – MR based PET motion correction
- May 29: Yanis Chemli – Motion Correction for brain PET using a Real Time Motion Capture System — Karine Haddadi – Simulation de données de patients pour la comparaison des performances cliniques de systèmes d’absorptiométrie biphotonique à rayons X
- June 20: round table discussion
- June 25: round table discussion
- September 7: Matthis Maillard – Knowledge distillation from multi-modal to mono-modal segmentation networks — Francesco and Ilaria, new interns — Bruno Belucci, final internship presentation
- September 21: Mateus Riva – Feedback from ECML
- October 19: Rebeca Vetil – Pancreas Segmentation : some experiments on the 2D UNet — Feedback from MICCAI
- November 2: Camille Ruppli
- November 16: Antoine Pirovano – Improving Interpretability for Computer-aided Diagnosis tools on Whole Slide Imaging with Multiple Instance Learning and Gradient-based Explanations
- December 3: Isabelle Bloch – Applications of Mathematical Morphology to Symbolic Music Representations — Mateus Riva – Approximation of dilation-based spatial relations to add structural constraints in neural networks
- December 14: Corentin Mercier – Rehearsal of PhD defense
- 2019
- February 28, 2:30pm: Pavlo Mozharovskyi – Depth for curve data and applications
- May 6: Papers from ISBI Conference
- 2018
- January 15, 9:30am: Alessandro Delmonte, Corentin Mercier – Summary of CoBCoM Winter School Workshop. Alessio Virzi, Cécile Muller – Summary of Surgetica 2017
- January 24, 9am: Hélène Urien – Détection et segmentation de lésions dans des images cérébrales TEP-IRM
- Mars 13, 2pm: Cécile Muller – Development of pelvic neurotractography
for image guided surgery in children with tumors and malformations - March 29, 9:30am: Ruben Sanchez de la Rosa – Reconstruction, improvement and analysis of angiotomosynthesis images to optimize their clinical performances
- September 5, 2pm: Maxime Fondin – Segmentation et comptage de follicules ovariens en IRM
- November 22, 2pm: Pietro Gori, Hadrien Bertrand, Corentin Mercier: Summary of MICCAI and VBCM conferences
- December 12, 10am: Hadrien Bertrand: Hyper-parameter optimization in deep learning and transfer learning – Applications to medical imaging
- 2017
- September 14, 3pm: Hadrien Bertrand – Deep learning and transfer learning in medical imaging.
- November 6, 3pm: Raphael Berdugo – Covariation and Non Covariation methods applied to Shape Analysis and Medical Imaging
- November 13, 10pm: Timothée Evain – Nouvelles méthodes de segmentation en imagerie tomographique volumique à faisceau conique dentaire
- PhD seminar:
- 1. presentation of the thesis subject at the beginning
- 2. at the end of the first year
- 3. mid-term evaluation
- General team meeting: about once a weak
- Specific working groups (ex: compressed sensing in 2009, patch-based methods in 2014, SMATI and DIFF-L in 2015-2016…)
- Older seminars
Postal address : LTCI, Télécom Paris, IDS / IMAGES, 19 place Marguerite Perey
Copyright (c) TII – 2009, IMAGES 2019