Scientific publications (from HAL CNRS)
Publications until mid-2019 – See here
Last five years
C. Muller, E. Mille, A. Virzi, J.-B. Marret, Q. Peyrot, A. Delmonte, L. Berteloot, P. Gori, Th. Blanc, D. Grevent, N. Boddaert, I. Bloch and S. Sarnacki, Integrating tractography in pelvic surgery: a proof of concept, Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, August 2019, vol. 48.
G. Liu, Y. Gousseau and F. Tupin, A contrario comparison of local descriptors for change detection in high resolution satellite images of urban areas, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , June 2019, vol. 57, n° 6, pp. 3904-3918 [PDF] [hal-01739459].
G. Draskovic, F. Pascal and F. Tupin, M-NL: Robust NL-Means Approach for PolSAR Images Denoising, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , June 2019, vol. 16, n° 6, pp. 997-1001 [PDF].
W. Zhao, L. Denis, Ch.-A. Deledalle, H. Maître, J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, Ratio-based multi-temporal SAR images denoising: RABASAR, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, June 2019 [PDF] [DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2885683].
Y. Ling, W. Meiniel, R. Singh-Moon, E. D. Angelini, J.-C. Olivo-Marin and Ch. P. Hendon, Compressed sensing-enabled phase-sensitive swept-source optical coherence tomography, Optics Express, January 2019, vol. 27, n° 2, pp. 855-871.
V. Couteaux, S. Si-Mohamed, R. Renard-Penna, O. Nempont, T. Lefevre, A. Popoff, G. Pizaine, N. Villain, I. Bloch, J. Behr, M.-F. Bellin, C. Roy, O. Rouvière, S. Montagne, N. Lassau and L. Boussel, Kindey Cortex Segmentation in 2D CT with U-Nets Ensemble Aggregation, Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, 2019, vol. 100, pp. 211-217.
V. Couteaux, S. Si-Mohamed, O. Nempont, T. Lefevre, A. Popoff, G. Pizaine, N. Villain, I. Bloch, A. Cotten and L. Boussel, Automatic Knww Meniscus Tear Detection and Orientation Classification with Mask-RCNN, Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, 2019, vol. 100, pp. 235-242.
C. Rambour, L. Denis, F. Tupin and H. Oriot, Introducing Spatial Regularization in SAR Tomography Reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on geoscience and Remote Sensing , 2019 [PDF].
M. Aiguier and I. Bloch, Logical Dual Concepts based on Mathematical Morphology in Stratified Institutions, Journal of Applied Non-Classifcal Logics, 2019.
A. Virzi, C. Muller, J.-B. Marret, E. Mille, L. Berteloot, D. Grevent, N. Boddaert, P. Gori, S. Sarnacki and I. Bloch, Comprehensive review of 3D segmentation software tools for MRI usable for pelvic surgery planning , Journal of Digital Imaging, 2019.
J.-M. Thiery, P. Memari and T. Boubekeur, Mean value coordinates for quad cages in 3D, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2018), December 2018 [PDF].
t. dagobert, Y. Tendero and s. landeau, Study of the Principal Component Analysis Method for the Correction of Images Degraded by Turbulence, Image Processing On Line (IPOL), November 2018, vol. 8, pp. 388-407 [PDF].
Ph. Tran, Y. Tendero, F. Goldwasser, S. Ropert and R. Coriat, Concomitant sorting of circulating tumor cell subpopulations in cancer patients’ blood samples through the multiplexed immunosensor combination design, International Biology Review, June 2018, vol. 2, n° 2, pp. 1-15 [PDF].
E. Koeniguer, J.-M. Nicolas, B. Pinel-Puysségur, J. M. Lagrange et F. Janez, Visualisation des changements sur séries temporelles radar : méthode REACTIV évaluée à l’échelle mondiale sous Google Earth Engine, Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, Juin 2018, vol. 217-218, pp. 99-108.
Th. Lescoat, M. Ovsjanikov, P. Memari, J.-M. Thiery and T. Boubekeur, A Survey on Data-driven Dictionary-based Methods for 3D Modeling, Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2018 STAR), May 2018, vol. 37, n° 2, pp. 577-601 [PDF] [hal-01901049].
W. Meiniel, J.-C. Olivo-Marin and E. D. Angelini, Denoising of microscopy images: a review of the state- of-the-art, and a new sparsity-based method, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , April 2018, vol. 27, n° 8, pp. 3842-3856 [DOI 0.1109/TIP.2018.2819821].
S. Ebrahimi, L. Gajny, W. Skalli and E. D. Angelini, Vertebral Corners Detection on Sagittal X-rays based on Shape Modelling, Random Forest Classifiers and Dedicated Visual Features, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization (TCIV), April 2018, pp. 1-13.
G. Ferraioli, Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis and F. Tupin, PARISAR: Patch-based estimation and regularized inversion for multi-baseline SAR interferometry, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, March 2018, vol. 56, n° 3, pp. 1626-1636 [PDF] [ujm-01525973v1].
R. Abergel, L. Denis, S. Ladjal and F. Tupin, Sidelobes Suppression and Strong Targets Extraction in Single Look Complex SAR Images with Several Applications, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Observation and Remote Sensing, March 2018, vol. 11, n° 3, pp. 759 – 776 [PDF] [hal-01570857v1].
J.-P. Crettez, Géométrie interne d’une « Nuit » de G. de La Tour : « L’Apparition de l’ange à saint Joseph » (musée des beaux-arts, Nantes) , Arts et sciences, Février 2018, vol. 1, n° 2.
L. Gajny, S. Ebrahimi, C. Vergari, E. D. Angelini and W. Skalli, Quasi-automatic 3D reconstruction of the full spine from low- dose biplanar X-rays based statistical inferences and image analysis, European Spine Journal, January 2018, pp. 1-7.
Q. Galvane, C. Lino, M. Christie and R. Cozot, Directing the Photography: Combining Cinematic Rules, Indirect Light Controls and Lighting-by-Example, Computer Graphics Forum, January 2018, vol. 37, n° 7, pp. 45-53 [DOI 10.1111/cgf.13546].
J.-M. Nicolas et F. Tupin, Quarante ans d’imagerie satellitaire radar, Revue de la Société Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, 2018.
P. Gori, O. Colliot, L. M. Kacem, Y. Worbe, A. Routier, C. Poupon, A. Hartmann, N. Ayache and S. Durrleman, Double diffeomorphism: combining morphometry and structural connectivity analysis, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2018, vol. 37, n° 9, pp. 2033-2043 [PDF] [hal-01709847].
A.-b. Abou-Elailah, I. Bloch and V. Gouet-Brunet, Unsupervised detection of ruptures in spatial relationships in video sequences based on log-likelihood ratio, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2018, vol. 21, pp. 829-846.
M. Aiguier, J. Atif, I. Bloch and C. Hudelot, Belief Revision, Minimal Change and Relaxation: A General Framework based on Satisfaction Systems, and Applications to Description Logics, Artificial Intelligence, 2018, vol. 256, pp. 160-180.
Y. Xu, B. Morel, S. Dahdouh, E. Puybareau, A. Virzi, H. Urien, Th. GÉraud, C. Adamsbaum and I. Bloch, The challenge of cerebral magnetic resonance imaging in neonates: A new method using mathematical morphology for the segmentation of structures including diffuse excessive high signal intensities, Medical Image Analysis, 2018, vol. 48, pp. 75-94.
M. Aiguier, J. Atif, I. Bloch and R. Pino Pérez, Explanatory relations in arbitrary logics based on satisfaction systems, cutting and retraction, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2018, vol. 102, pp. 1-20.
O. Commowick, A. Istace, M. Kain, B. Laurent, F. Leray, M. Simon, R. Ameli, J.C. Ferre, T. Tourdias, F. Cervenansky, T. Glatard, J. Beaumont, D. Senan, F. Forbes, J. Knight, A. Khademi, A. Mahbod, Ch. Wang, R. McKinley, F. Wagner, J. Muschelli, E. Sweeney, E. Roura, X. Llado, M.M. Santos, W.P. Santos, A.G. Silva-Filho, X. Tomas-Fernandez, H. Urien, I. Bloch, S. Valverde, M. Cabezas, F.J. Vera-Olmos, N. Malpica, C. Guttmann, S. Vukusic, G. Edan, M. Dojat, M. Styner, S.K. Warfield, F. Cotton and C. Barillot, Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure, Nature Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, n° 13650, pp. 1-17.
C. Tor-Diez, N. Passat, I. Bloch, S. Faisan, N. Bednarek and F. Rousseau, An Iterative Multi-Atlas Patch-Based Approach for Cortex Segmentation from Neonatal MRI, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2018, vol. 70, pp. 73-82.
A. Newson, A. Almansa, Y. Gousseau and P. Perez, Non-Local Patch-Based Image Inpainting, Image Processing Online, December 2017, vol. 7, pp. 373–385 [DOI 10.5201/ipol.2017.189].
H. Sportouche, J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, Mimic Capacity Of Fisher And Generalized Gamma Distributions For High Resolution SAR Image Statistical Modeling, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, December 2017, vol. 10, n° 12, pp. 5724 – 5735 [PDF] [hal-01860201].
G. Terrasse, J.-M. Nicolas, E. Trouvé and É. Drouet, Application of the curvelet transform for clutter and noise removal in GPR data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, December 2017, vol. 10, n° 10, pp. 4280-4294.
F. Weissgerber, E. Colin Koeninger, J.-M. Nicolas and N. Trouvé, 3D Monitoring of Buildings Using TerraSAR-X InSAR, DInSAR and PolSAR Capacities , Remote Sensing, September 2017, vol. 9, n° 10, pp. 1010.
Ph. Herholz, S. Koch, T. Boubekeur and M. Alexa, Unsharp Masking Geometry Improves 3D Prints , Computer & Graphics (Proc. Shape Modeling International 2017), September 2017, vol. 66, pp. 135–142 [PDF] [hal-01580740].
M. Boughida and T. Boubekeur, Bayesian Collaborative Denoising for Monte Carlo Rendering, Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR 2017), September 2017, vol. 36, n° 4, pp. 137-153 [PDF] [hal-01580738].
N. Bus and T. Boubekeur, Double Hierarchies for Directional Importance Sampling in Monte Carlo Rendering , Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, August 2017, vol. 6, n° 3, pp. 35–37 [PDF] [hal-01580739].
X. Xu, B. Wang, L. S. Wang, X. Yanning and T. Boubekeur, Vectorized Point based Global Illumination on Intel MIC Architecture, Computer & Graphics (Proc. CAD Graphics 2017), July 2017 [PDF].
S. Calderon and T. Boubekeur, Bounding Proxies for Shape Approximation , ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2017), July 2017, vol. 36, n° 5, pp. 57.1–57.13 [PDF] [hal-01580737].
C. Aguerrebere, A. Almansa, J. Delon, Y. Gousseau and P. Musé, A Bayesian Hyperprior Approach for Joint Image Denoising and Interpolation, with an Application to HDR Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, May 2017, vol. 3, n° 4, pp. 633 – 646 [PDF] [hal-01107519] [DOI 10.1109/TCI.2017.2704439].
A.-M. Vintescu, F. Dupont, G. Lavoue, P. Memari and J. Tierny, Least Squares Affine Transitions for Global Parameterization, Journal of WSCG, May 2017, vol. 25, n° 1.
Y. Yang, J. Atif et I. Bloch, Raisonnement abductif en logique de description exploitant les domaines concrets spatiaux pour l’inteprétation d’images, Revue d’intelligence artificielle, Avril 2017, vol. 1-2, pp. 11-39.
Q. Oliveau and H. Sahbi, Learning Attribute Representations for Remote Sensing Ship Category Classification, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, March 2017, vol. 10, n° 6, pp. 2830-2840.
Q. Hoarau, G. Ginholac, A. Atto and J. M. Nicolas, Robust Adaptive Detection of Buried Pipes using GPR, Signal Processing, March 2017, vol. 132, pp. 293-305.
D.-Ch. Soncco, C. Barbanson, M. Nikolova, A. Almansa and Y. Ferrec, Fast and Accurate Multiplicative Decomposition forFringe Removal in Interferometric Images, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, March 2017, vol. 3, n° 2 [PDF] [hal-01492428] [DOI 10.1109/TCI.2017.2678279].
J. Preciozzi, A. Almansa, P. Musé, S. Durand, A. Khazaal and B. Rougé, A sparsity-based variational approach for the restoration of SMOS images from L1A data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, February 2017, vol. 55, n° 5, pp. 2811–2826 [PDF] [hal-01341839] [DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2654864].
A. Reshef, C. Riddell, Y. Trousset, S. Ladjal and I. Bloch, Dual-rotation C-arm cone-beam computed tomography to increase low-contrast detection, Medical Physics, 2017, vol. 44, n° 9, pp. 164-173 [DOI 10.1002/mp.12247].
S. Lobry, L. Denis, W. Zhao et F. Tupin, Décomposition de séries temporelles d’images SAR pour la détection de changements, Traitement du signal, 2017.
H. Morimitsu, I. Bloch and R. M. Cesar, Exploring structure for long-term tracking of multiple objects in sports videos, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2017, vol. 159, pp. 89-104.
P. Irrera, I. Bloch and M. Delplanque, A landmark detection approach applied to robust estimation of the exposure index in digital radiography, Innovation and Research in BioMedical Engineering, 2017, vol. 38, pp. 42-55.
Y. Yang, S. Chevallier, J. Wiart and I. Bloch, Subject-specific time-frequency selection for multi-class motor imagery-based BCIs using few Laplacian EEG channels, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2017, vol. 38, pp. 302-311.
Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis, S. Tabti and F. Tupin, MuLoG, or How to apply Gaussian denoisers to multi-channel SAR speckle reduction?, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017, vol. 26, n° 9, pp. 4389-4403 [PDF].
E. Provenzi, J. Delon, Y. Gousseau and B. Mazin, On the second order spatiochromatic structure of natural images, Vision Research, September 2016, vol. 120, pp. 124-144.
F. Weissgerber, E. Colin Koeninger, N. Trouvé and J. M. Nicolas, A Temporal Estimation of Entropy and Its Comparison With Spatial Estimations on PolSAR Images, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing , August 2016, vol. 9, n° 8, pp. 3809 – 3820.
N. Faraj, J.-M. Thiery and T. Boubekeur, Multi-Material Adaptive Volume Remesher , Computer and Graphics Journal , August 2016, vol. 58, n° C, pp. 150-106 [PDF] [hal-01444804].
T. Perciano, F. Tupin, R. Hirata and R. M. Cesar, A Two-level Markov Random Field for Road Network Extraction and its Application with Optical, SAR and Multitemporal Data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, July 2016, vol. 37, n° 16 [PDF].
A. Atto, E. Trouvé, J. M. Nicolas and Th. T. Lê, Wavelet Operators and Multiplicative Observation Models – Application to Change-Enhanced Regularization of SAR Image Time Series, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, July 2016, vol. 54, n° 11, pp. 6606 – 6624 [DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2016.2587626].
G. Laurent, C. Delalandre, G. De La Rivière and T. Boubekeur, Forward Light Cuts: A Scalable Approach to Real-Time Global Illumination , Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR 2016), July 2016, vol. 35, n° 4, pp. 79-88 [PDF] [hal-01444811].
S. Lobry, L. Denis and F. Tupin, Multi-temporal SAR image decomposition into strong scatterers, background, and speckle, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, June 2016, vol. 9, n° 8, pp. 3419 – 3429 [PDF] [hal-01431646].
P. Punpongsanon, E. Guy, D. Iwai, K. Sato and T. Boubekeur, Extended LazyNav: Virtual 3D Ground Navigation for Large Displays and Head-Mounted Displays , IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, June 2016, vol. PP, n° 99, pp. 1-12 [PDF] [hal-01444884].
L. Avanthey, L. Beaudoin, A. Gademer and M. Roux, Tools to Perform Local Dense 3D Reconstruction of Shallow Water Seabed, Sensors , May 2016, vol. 16, n° 5.
J.-M. Thiery, E. Eisemann and T. Boubekeur, Animated Mesh Approximation With Sphere-Meshes , ACM Transactions on Graphics, May 2016, vol. 35, n° 3, pp. 30:1-30:13 [PDF] [hal-01444869].
Y. Tendero and J.-M. Morel, On the Mathematical Foundations of Computational Photography, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, March 2016, vol. 54, n° 3, pp. 378-397.
I. Bloch and J. Atif, Defining and computing Hausdorff distances between distributions on the real line and on the circle: link between optimal transport and morphological dilations, Mathematical Morphology: Theory and Applications, March 2016, vol. 1, n° 1, pp. 79-99.
Y. Tendero and J.-M. Morel, A Theory of Optimal Flutter Shutter for Probabilistic Velocity Models, SIAM journal on Imaging Sciences, March 2016, vol. 9, n° 1, pp. 445-480 [DOI 10.1137/15M1035872].
Y. Tendero and S. Osher, On a Mathematical Theory of Coded Exposure, Research in the Mathematical Sciences (RMSS), March 2016, vol. 3, n° 1, pp. 1–39 [PDF] [DOI 10.1186/s40687-015-0051-8].
G. Palma, P. Cignoni, T. Boubekeur and R. Scopigno, Detection of Geometric Temporal Changes in Point Clouds, Computer Graphics Forum, January 2016, vol. 35, n° 6, pp. 33-45 [PDF] [hal-01444930].
M.-C. Vanegas, I. Bloch and J. Inglada, Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction Problem for Model-based Image Interpretation, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2016, vol. 286, pp. 1-29.
B. Morel, G. Antoni, J.R. Teglas, I. Bloch and C. Adamsbaum, Neonatal brain MRI: How reliable is the radiologist’s eye ?, Neuroradiology, 2016, vol. 58, pp. 189-193.
D. Lesage, E. D. Angelini, G. Funka-Lea and I. Bloch, Adaptive Particle Filtering for Coronary Artery Segmentation from 3D CT Angiograms, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2016, vol. 151, pp. 29-46.
N. Lermé, F. Rossant, I. Bloch, M. Pâques, E. Koch and J. Benesty, A Fully Automatic Method For Segmenting Retinal Artery Walls in Adaptive Optics Images, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2016, vol. 72, pp. 72-81.
G. Tartavel, Y. Gousseau and G. Peyré, Wasserstein loss for image synthesis and restoration, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016, vol. 9, n° 4, pp. 1726–1755.
P. Irrera, I. Bloch and M. Delplanque, A flexible patch based approach for combined denoising and contrast enhancement of digital X-ray images, Medical Image Analysis, 2016, vol. 28, pp. 33-45.
S. Dahdouh, N. Varsier, M. Nunez Ochoa, J. Wiart, A. Peyman and I. Bloch, Infants and young children modeling method for numerical dosimetry studies: application to plane wave exposure, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016, vol. 61, n° 4, pp. 1500-1514.
Y. Yang, I. Bloch, S. Chevallier and J. Wiart, Subject-specific channel selection using time information for motor imagery brain-computer interfaces, Cognitive Computation, 2016, vol. 8, pp. 505-518.
N. Geeraert, R. Klausz, S. Muller, I. Bloch and H. Bosmans, Individualized Calculation of Tissue Imparted Energy in Breast Tomosynthesis, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2016, vol. 169, n° 1-4, pp. 267-273.
J. Atif, I. Bloch and C. Hudelot, Some relationships between fuzzy sets, mathematical morphology, rough sets, F-transforms, and formal concept analysis, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016, vol. 24, n° S2, pp. 1-32.
Ch. Miloudi, F. Rossant, I. Bloch, C. Chaumette, A. Leseigneur, J. Sahel, S. Meimon, S. Mrejen and M. Pâques, The Negative Cone Mosaic: A New Manifestation of the Optical Stiles-Crawford Effect in Normal Eyes, Investigative Ophtalmology and Visual Science, November 2015, vol. 56, pp. 7043-7050.
U. Verma, F. Rossant and I. Bloch, Segmentation and Size Estimation of Tomatoes from Sequences of Paired Images, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, November 2015, vol. 2015, n° 33, pp. 1-23.
T. Baar, H. Brettel and M. V. Ortiz Segovia, Relating Optical and Geometric Surface Characteristics for Gloss Management in Printing Applications, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, November 2015, vol. 59, n° 6, pp. 1-14 [DOI 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2015.59.6.060404].
L. D. Alvarez-Corrales, Y. Gousseau, J.-M. Morel and A. Salgado, Exploring the Space of Abstract Textures by Principles and Random Sampling, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, September 2015, vol. 53, n° 3, pp. 332-345.
Y. Tendero, The Flutter Shutter Code Calculator, Image Processing On Line (IPOL), August 2015, vol. 5, pp. 234–256 [PDF].
I. Bloch et J. Atif, Deux approches pour la comparaison de relations spatiales floues : transport optimal et morphologie mathématique, Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle, Août 2015, vol. 29, n° 5, pp. 595-619.
B. Wang, X. Meng and T. Boubekeur, Wavelet Point-Based Global Illumination, Computer Graphics Forum, July 2015, vol. 34, n° 4, pp. 143-154 [PDF] [hal-01253664].
S. Réjichi, F. Chaabane and F. Tupin, Expert Knowledge-Based Method for Satellite Image Time Series Analysis and Interpretation, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, June 2015, vol. 8, n° 5, pp. 2138 – 2150 .
J.-B. Poisson, H. Oriot and F. Tupin, Ground Moving Target Trajectory Reconstruction in Single-Channel Circular SAR, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, April 2015 [PDF].
Y. Traonmilin, S. Ladjal and A. Almansa, Robust Multi-image Processing With Optimal Sparse Regularization, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, March 2015, vol. 51, n° 3, pp. 413-429 [] [DOI 10.1007/s10851-014-0532-1].
X. Su, Ch.-A. Deledalle, F. Tupin and H. Sun, NORCAMA: Change analysis in SAR time series by likelihood ratio change matrix clustering, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, March 2015, vol. 101, pp. 247-261 [PDF] [hal-01185740].
I. Bloch, A. Bretto and A. Leborgne, Robust Similarity between Hypergraphs based on Valuations and Mathematical Morphology Operators, Discrete Applied Mathematics, February 2015, vol. 183, pp. 2-19.
B. Mazin, J. Delon and Y. Gousseau, Estimation of Illuminants From Projections on the Planckian Locus, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, February 2015, vol. 24 , n° 6, pp. 1944-1954.
F. Dellinger, J. Delon, Y. Gousseau, J. Michel and F. Tupin, SAR-SIFT: a SIFT-like algorithm for SAR images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , January 2015 [PDF].
G. Tartavel, Y. Gousseau and G. Peyré, Variational Texture Synthesis with Sparsity and Spectrum Constraints, JMIV, January 2015, vol. 52, n° 1, pp. 124-144.
Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis, F. Tupin, A. Reigber and M. Jäger, NL-SAR: a unified Non-Local framework for resolution-preserving (Pol)(In)SAR denoising, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015, vol. 53, n° 4, pp. 2021-2038 [PDF].
N. Geeraert, R. Klausz, S. Muller, I. Bloch and H. Bosmans, Evaluation of exposure in mammography: limitations of Average Glandular Dose and proposal of a new quantity, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2015, pp. 1-4.
S. Dahdouh, E. D. Angelini, G. Grangé and I. Bloch, Segmentation of embryonic and fetal 3D ultrasound images based on pixel intensity distributions and shape priors, Medical Image Analysis, 2015, vol. 24, pp. 255-268.
I. Bloch and A. Bretto, Corrigendum to « Mathematical morphology on hypergraphs, application to similarity and positive kernel », Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2015, vol. 132, pp. 1-2.
M. Teichmann, Ch. Rosso, J.-B. Martini, I. Bloch, P. Brugières, H. Duffau, S. Lehéricy and A.-C. Bachou-Lévi, A cortical-subcortical syntax pathway linking Broca’s are and the striatum, Human Brain Mapping, 2015, vol. 36, n° 6, pp. 2270-2283.
M. Pâques, A. Brolly, J. Benesty, N. Lermé, E. Koch, F. Rossant, I. Bloch and J.-F. Girmens, Venous Nicking Without Arteriovenous Contact: The Role of the Arteriolar Microenvironment in Arteriovenous Nickings, JAMA Ophtalmology, 2015.
I. Bloch, Fuzzy Sets for Image Processing and Understanding, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2015, vol. 281, pp. 280-291 [hal-01219806].
R. Gauriau, R. Cuingnet, D. Lesage and I. Bloch, Multi-organ localization with cascaded global-to-local regression and shape prior, Medical Image Analysis, 2015, vol. 23, pp. 70-83 [hal-01152420].
F. Rossant, I. Bloch, I. Ghorbel and M. Pâques, Parallel double snakes. Application to the segmentation of retinal layers in 2D-OCT for pathological subjects, Pattern Recognition, 2015, vol. 48, pp. 3857-3870.
I. Audo, K. Gocho, F. Rossant, S. Mohand-Said, K. Loquin, I. Bloch, J. Sahel and M. Pâques, Functional and high-resolution retinal imaging monitoring photoreceptor damage in acute macular neuroretinopathy, Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2015, pp. 1-10.
Last five years
F. Chaabane, S. Rejichi, Ch. Kefi, I. Haythem and F. Tupin, VHR satellite image time series analysis for illegal building monitoring using multi-dimensional histogram earth mover’s distance, IGARSS , Yokohama, Japan, August 2019.
R. Abergel, L. Denis, F. Tupin, S. Ladjal, Ch.-A. Deledalle and A. Almansa, resolution preserving speckle reduction of SAR images: the benefits of speckle decorrelation and target extraction, IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan, July 2019.
Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis, L. Ferro-Famil, J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, Multi-temporal speckle reduction of polarimetric SAR images: a ratio based approach , IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan, July 2019.
G. Ferraioli, L. Denis, Ch.-A. Deledalle and F. Tupin, The exploitation of the non-local paradigm for SAR 3D reconstruction, IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan , July 2019.
F. Tupin, L. Denis, Ch.-A. Deledalle and G. Ferraioli, Ten years of patch-based approaches for SAR imaging: a review, IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan, July 2019.
L. Denis, Ch.-A. Deledalle and F. Tupin, From patches to deep learning: combining self-similarity and neural networks for SAR image despeckling, IGARSS, Yokohama, Japan, July 2019.
F. Chaabane, S. Réjichi, Ch. Kefi, I. Haytem and F. Tupin, Anarchic Urban Expansion Detection and Monitoring with Integration of Expert Knowledge, ICASPP, May 2019.
X. Yang, L. Denis, F. Tupin and W. Yang, SAR image despeckling using pre-trained convolutional neural network models, JURSE, Vannes, France , May 2019.
C. Rambour, L. Denis and F. Tupin, Urban surface recovery through graph-cuts over SAR tomographic reconstruction, JURSE, Vannes, France , May 2019.
S. Ebrahimi, L. Gajny, W. Skalli and E. D. Angelini, Automatic segmentation and identification of spinous processes on sagittal x-rays based on random forest classification and dedicated contextual features, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), January 2019.
A. Durandeau, J.-B. Fasquel, I. Bloch, E. Mazerand, Ph. Menei, C. Montero-Menei and M. Dinomais, Structural information and (hyper)graph matching for MRI piglet brain extraction, 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS), Tours, France, 2019.
A. Delmonte, C. Mercier, J. Pallud, I. Bloch and P. Gori, White matter multi-resolution segmentation using fuzzy set theory, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Venice, Italy, 2019, pp. 459-462.
R. Sanchez de la Rosa, A.-K. Carton, P. Milioni de Carvalho, I. Bloch and S. Muller, Analysis of CEDBT and CESM performance using a realistic X-ray simulation platform, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Venice, Italy, 2019, pp. 1070-1073.
I. Bloch and A. Bretto, A new entropy for hypergraphs, 21st IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI), Marne-la-Vallée, France, 2019, vol. LNCS 11414, pp. 143-154.
P. Roussillon, J.-M. Thiery, I. Bloch et P. Gori, Appariement difféomorphique robuste de faisceaux neuronaux, GRETSI, Lille, France, 2019.
I. Trimeche, F. Rossant, I. Bloch et M. Pâques, Segmentation et caractérisation des bifurcations artérielles rétiniennes dans des images 2D d’optique adaptative, GRETSI, Lille, France, 2019.
I. Trimeche, F. Rossant, I. Bloch et M. Pâques, Segmentation of retinal arterial bifurcations in 2D adaptive optics ophtalmoscopy images, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.
V. Couteaux, O. Nempont, G. Pizaine and I. Bloch, Towards Interpretability of Segmentation Networks by analyzing DeepDreams, iMIMIC Workshop at MICCAI 2019: Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing, Shenzhen, China, 2019.
C. Tor-Diez, Ch.-H. Pham, H. Meunier, S. Faisan, I. Bloch, N. Bednarek, N. Passat and F. Rousseau, Evaluation of Cortical Segmentation Pipelines on Clinical Neonatal MRI Data, IEEE International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, 2019.
G. Franchi, E. Aldea, S. Dubuisson and I. Bloch, Crowd Behaviour Characterization for Scene Tracking , IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.
G. La Barbera, I. Bloch, G. Barraza, C. Adamsbaum and P. Gori, Robust Segmentation of Corpus Callosum in Multi-Scanner Pediatric T1-w MRI using Transfer Learning, Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy, 2019.
S. Rousseau, C. Mercier, P. Gori, I. Bloch and T. Boubekeur, QFib: Fast and Accurate Compression of White Matter Tractograms, Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy, 2019.
S. Blusseau, Y. Zhang, S. Velasco-Forero, I. Bloch and J. Angulo, Pruning neural networks thanks to morphological layers, 15th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis , Aarhus, Denmark, 2019, pp. 17.
S. Velasco-Forero, B. Ponchon, S. Blusseau, J. Angulo and I. Bloch, On approximating mathematical morphology operators via deep learning techniques, 15th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis , Aarhus, Denmark, 2019, pp. 51.
C. Muller, A. Delmonte, P. Meignan, Q. Peyrot, A. Virzi, L. Berteloot, D. Grevent, Th. Blanc, P. Gori, N. Boddaert, I. Bloch and S. Sarnacki, Nervous System Exploration Using Tractography To Enhance Pelvic Surgery, Surgetica, Rennes, France, 2019.
B. Ponchon, S. Velasco-Forero, S. Blusseau, J. Angulo and I. Bloch, Part-Based Approximations for Morphological Operators Using Asymmetric Auto-encoders, 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), Saarbr\ »ucken, Germany, 2019, vol. LNCS 11564, pp. 323-334.
Y. Zhang, S. Blusseau, S. Velasco-Forero, I. Bloch and J. Angulo, Max-Plus Operators Applied to Filter Selection and Model Pruning in Neural Networks, 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), Saarbr\ »ucken, Germany, 2019, vol. LNCS 11564, pp. 310-322.
A. Goy, M. Aiguier and I. Bloch, Max-Plus Operators Applied to Filter Selection and Model Pruning in Neural Networks, 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), Saarbr\ »ucken, Germany, 2019, vol. LNCS 11564, pp. 16-28.
C. Tor-Diez, S. Faisan, L. Mazo, N. Bednarek, H. Meunier, I. Bloch, N. Passat and F. Rousseau, Multilabel, Multiscale Topological Transformation for Cerebral MRI Segmentation Post-processing, 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), Saarbr\ »ucken, Germany, 2019, vol. LNCS 11564, pp. 471-482.
S. Blusseau, S. Velasco-Forero, J. Angulo and I. Bloch, Tropical and morphological operators for signals on graphs, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, October 2018, pp. 1198-1202.
M. Fondin, P. Gori, C. Adamsbaum et I. Bloch, Segmentation automatique des ovaires et des follicules en IRM pour le calcul de la volumétrie ovarienne et le comptage folliculaire, Journées Francophones de Radiologique Diagnostique et Interventionnelle (JFR), Paris, , Octobre 2018, pp. 952.
X. Yang, Y. Gousseau, H. Maître and Y. Tendero, A fast algorithm for occlusion detection and removal, IEEE 25th Int. Conf on Image Processing, ICIP 2018, Athens, Greece, October 2018, pp. 2505-2509 [PDF].
C. Rambour, L. Denis, F. Tupin, J.-M. Nicolas and H. Oriot, SAR TOMOGRAPHY OF URBAN AREAS: 3D REGULARIZED INVERSION IN THE SCENE GEOMETRY, IGARSS, Valencia, Spain, July 2018 [hal-01860253].
W. Zhao, Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis, H. Maître, J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, RABASAR: A FAST RATIO BASED MULTI-TEMPORAL SAR DESPECKLING, IGARSS, Valencia, Spain, July 2018 [hal-01860257].
Ch. Liu, R. Abergel, Y. Gousseau and F. Tupin, A LINE SEGMENT DETECTOR FOR SAR IMAGES WITH CONTROLLED FALSE ALARM RATE, IGARSS, Valencia, Spain, July 2018 [hal-01860265].
M. Aiguier and I. Bloch, Dual Logic Concepts based on Mathematical Morphology in Stratified Institutions: Applications to Spatial Reasoning, World Congress and School on Universal Logic (UNILOG 2018), Vichy, France, June 2018.
H. Maître, Peut-on mesurer la beauté d’une photo ?, RFIA, Marne La Vallée, Juin 2018 [PDF].
C. Muller, A. Virzi, J.-B. Marret, E. Mille, L. Berteloot, P. Gori, Th. Blanc, D. Grevent, F. Bargy, N. Boddaert, I. Bloch and S. Sarnacki, 3D patient specific models from MRI segmentation and tractography to enhance surgery planning of pelvic tumors and malformations, 19th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Paris, France, June 2018.
E. Mille, C. Muller, A. Virzi, P. Gori, J.-B. Marret, L. Berteloot, D. Grevent, Th. Blanc, N. Boddaert, I. Bloch and S. Sarnacki, Appraisal of sacral nerve injury by pelvic neurotractography after robotic surgery for a sacral neurofibroma in a 12 years old girl, 19th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Paris, France, June 2018.
C. Muller, A. Virzi, J.-B. Marret, E. Mille, C. Cretolle, P. Gori, L. Berteloot, D. Grevent, Th. Blanc, N. Boddaert, I. Bloch and S. Sarnacki, Analysis of the sacral plexus anatomy using diffusion tensor MRI based neurotractography, according to spinal dysraphism, sacral anomaly and type of anorectal malformation, 19th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Paris, France, June 2018.
C. Tor-Diez, N. Passat, I. Bloch, S. Faisan, N. Bednarek et F. Rousseau, Une approche par patchs, multi-atlas, itérative pour la segmentation du cortex cérébrale en IRM néonatale, Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception, Marne-la-Vallée, France, Juin 2018.
C. Agon, M. Andreatta, J. Atif, I. Bloch and P. Mascarade Relano, Musical Descriptions based on Formal Concept Analysis and Mathematical Morphology, 23rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS), Edinburgh, UK, June 2018, vol. LNAI 10872, pp. 105-119.
E. Puybareau, Y. Xu, J. Chazalon, I. Bloch et Th. GÉraud, Segmentation des hyper-intensités de la matière blanche en quelques secondes à l’aide d’un réseau de neurones convolutif et de transfert d’apprentissage, Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception, Marne-la-Vallée, France, Juin 2018.
E. Colin Koeninger, J.-M. Nicolas, B. Pinel-Puysségur, J. M. Lagrange et F. Janez, Visualisation des changements sur séries temporelles radar : méthode REACTIV évaluée à l’échelle mondiale sous Google Earth Engine, CFPT 2018, Marne la Vallée, Juin 2018.
Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis and F. Tupin, Speckle reduction in PolSAR by multi-channel variance stabilization and Gaussian denoising: MuLoG, EUSAR, Aachen, Germany, June 2018 [hal-01860234].
A. Reshef, C. Riddell, Y. Tousset, S. Ladjal and I. Bloch, Direct backprojection-filtration formula for region-of-interest imaging with few additional projections, Fifth International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography , Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, May 2018.
A. Reshef, T. Nikoukhah, C. Riddell, Y. Tousset, S. Ladjal and I. Bloch, Region-of-interest imaging with differentiated backprojection and angularly subsampled complementary sinograms , Fifth International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography , Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, May 2018.
I. Ciril, J. Darbon and Y. Tendero, A Simple and Exact Algorithm to Solve l1 Linear Problems: Application to the Compressive Sensing Method, Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications; VISAPP, Fuchal, Portugal, January 2018, vol. 4, pp. 54-62, ISBN 978-989-758-290-5 [DOI 10.5220/0006624600540062].
R. Daudt, B. Le Saux, A. Boulch and Y. Gousseau, Urban Change Detection for Multispectral Earth Observation Using Convolutional Neural Networks, IGARSS 2018, Valence, Espagne, January 2018.
S. Blusseau, I. Bloch, Y. Gousseau, J. Angulo and S. Velasco-Forero, Mathematical morphology on tensor images for fiber enhancement, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Bologna, Italy, 2018.
R. Sanchez de la Rosa, A.-K. Carton, P. Milioni de Carvalho, Z. Li, S. Muller and I. Bloch, Preliminary study of CEDBT and CESM performances using simulated analytical contrast uptakes, IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Washington D.C., USA, 2018, pp. 792-795.
A. Delmonte, I. Bloch, D. Hasboun, C. Mercier, J. Pallud and P. Gori, Segmentation of White Matter Tractograms Using Fuzzy Spatial Relations, Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Singapore, 2018.
G. Sileno, I. Bloch, J. Atif and J.-L. Dessalles, Computing Contrast on Conceptual Spaces, International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Palermo, Italy, 2018, pp. 11-25.
A. Virzi, P. Gori, C. Muller, E. Mille, Q. Peyrot, L. Berteloot, N. Boddaert, S. Sarnacki and I. Bloch, Segmentation of pelvic vessels in pediatric MRI using a patch-based deep learning approach, PIPPI MICCAI Workshop, Granada, Spain, 2018, vol. LNCS 11076, pp. 97-106.
A. Virzi, P. Gori, C. Muller, E. Mille, Q. Peyrot, L. Berteloot, N. Boddaert, S. Sarnacki and I. Bloch, Segmentation of pelvic vessels in pediatric MRI using a patch based learning approach, Journées Francophones de Radiologique Diagnostique et Interventionnelle (JFR), Paris, France, 2018, pp. 617.
C. Mercier, P. Gori, D. Rohmer, M.-P. Cani, T. Boubekeur, J.-M. Thiery and I. Bloch, Progressive and Efficient Multi-Resolution Representations for Brain Tractograms, Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), Granada, Spain, 2018, pp. 89-93.
S. Rousseau and T. Boubekeur, Fast Lossy Compression of 3D Unit Vector Sets, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Briefs, Bangkok, Thailande, December 2017 [PDF] [hal-01699313].
V. Lucquin and T. Boubekeur, SeamCut: Interactive Mesh Segmentation for Parameterization, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Brief, Bangkok, Thailande, December 2017 [PDF] [hal-01699326].
J.-M. Nicolas, F. Tupin et H. Sportouche, Distances entre lois de probabilités définies sur R+, GRETSI 2017, Juan Les Pins, Septembre 2017.
Q. Hoarau, A. Breloy, G. Ginholac, A. Atto et J.-M. Nicolas, Estimateur de Tyler régularisé dans le cas sous-déterminé. Application à la détection d’objets enfouis, GRETSI 2017, Juan Les Pins, Septembre 2017.
G. Terrasse, J.-M. Nicolas et E. Trouvé, Méthode de séparation de sources appliquée aux données géoradar, GRETSI 2017, Juan Les Pins, Septembre 2017.
J.-M. Nicolas et R. Badeau, Histoire de la transformée de Mellin, GRETSI, Juan-Les-Pins, France, Septembre 2017 [PDF].
Th. T. Le, A. Almansa, Y. Gousseau and S. Masnou, Motion-consistent video inpainting, ICIP, September 2017 [].
Q. Oliveau and H. Sahbi, Transductive Attributes For Ship Category Recognition, IEEE International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium, Fort Worth, USA, September 2017.
W. Meiniel, P. Spinicelli, E. D. Angelini, A. Fragola, V. Loriette, F. Orieux, E. Sepulveda et J.-C. Olivo-Marin, Accélération de la méthode de microscopie à illumination structurée à l’aide de l’acquisition comprimée, GRETSI, Juan les Pins, France, Septembre 2017 [PDF].
J. Preciozzi, M. González, A. Almansa and P. Musé, JOINT DENOISING AND DECOMPRESSION: A PATCH-BASED BAYESIAN APPROACH, ICIP 2017: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Beijing, China, September 2017 [PDF] [hal-01493635].
K. Kumar, P. Gori, B. Charlier, S. Durrleman, O. Colliot and Ch. Desrosiers, White Matter Fiber Segmentation Using Functional Varifolds, Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy, MFCA 2017, MICCAI Workshop, Québec, Canada, September 2017, vol. 10551, pp. 92 — 100 [PDF] [hal-01589649].
N. Faraj, G.-S. Xia, J. Delon and Y. Gousseau, A generic framework for the structured abstraction of images, Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. ACM, August 2017.
Th. T. Le, A. Almansa, Y. Gousseau et S. Masnou, Inpainting vidéo préservant le mouvement, GRETSI, Août 2017.
W. Meiniel, Y. Gan, J.-C. Olivo-Marin and E. D. Angelini, A Sparsity-based simplification method for segmentation of spectral domain optical coherence tomography images, SPIE, Wavelets and Sparsity XVII, San Diego, Etats-Unis, August 2017, vol. 10394 [PDF] [DOI 10.1117/12.2274126].
S. Lobry, L. Denis, F. Tupin and R. Fjortoft, Double MRF for water classification in SAR images by joint detection and reflectivity estimation, IGARSS, Fort Worth, USA, July 2017, pp. 2283-2286 [PDF].
S. Lobry, F. Tupin and R. Fjortoft, Unsupervised detection of thin water surfaces in SWOT images based on segment detection and connection, IGARSS, Fort Worth, USA, July 2017, pp. 3720-3723 [PDF].
C. Rambour, L. Denis, F. Tupin, J.-M. Nicolas, H. Oriot, L. Ferro-Famil and Ch.-A. Deledalle, SIMILARITY CRITERION FOR SAR TOMOGRAPHY OVER DENSE URBAN AREA, IGARSS, Fort-Worth, USA, July 2017.
N. Bus and T. Boubekeur, Double Hierarchies for Efficient Sampling in Monte Carlo Rendering , ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Talk Program, Los Angeles, July 2017 [PDF].
A. Kaiser, J. A. Ybanez Zepeda and T. Boubekeur, Proxy Clouds for RGB-D Stream Processing: An Insight , ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Talk Program, Los Angeles, USA, July 2017 [PDF].
P. Riot, A. Almansa, Y. Gousseau and F. Tupin, A Correlation-based Dissimilarity Measure for Noisy Patches, SSVM 2017: International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Kolding, Denmark, June 2017, vol. 10302, pp. 184–195 [PDF] [hal-01492429] [DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-58771-4_15].
E. Olivetti, G. Bertò, P. Gori, N. Sharmin and P. Avesani, Comparison of distances for supervised segmentation of white matter tractography, Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI), Toronto, Canada, June 2017 [PDF] [hal-01576573] [DOI 10.1109/PRNI.2017.7981502].
A. Kaiser, J. A. Ybanez Zepeda and T. Boubekeur, Proxy Clouds for RGB-D Stream Processing: A preview, EUROGRAPHICS Poster Program, Lyon, France, May 2017.
A.-M. Vintescu, F. Dupont, G. Lavoue, P. Memari and J. Tierny, Conformal Factor Persistence for Fast Hierarchical Cone Extraction, Eurographics, Lyon, France, April 2017 [hal-01508966].
W. Meiniel, P. Spinicelli, E. D. Angelini, A. Fragola, V. Loriette, F. Orieux, E. Sepulveda and J.-C. Olivo-Marin, Reducing data acquisition for fast Structured Illumination Microscopy using Compressed Sensing, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedial Imaging, Melbourne, Australie, April 2017, pp. 32-35 [PDF] [DOI 10.1109/ISBI.2017.7950461].
I. Bloch, Morphological links between formal concepts and hypergraphs, International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM 2017), Fontainebleau, France, March 2017, vol. LNCS 10225, pp. 16-27.
H. Urien, I. Buvat, N. F. Rougon, M. Soussan et I. Bloch, Détection et segmentation de tumeurs cérébrales en imagerie hybride TEP-IRM, Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé (RITS), Lyon, France, 2017, pp. 50.
A. Reshef, C. Riddell, Y. Tousset, S. Ladjal et I. Bloch, Reconstruction tomographique 2D : une nouvelle méthode de rétro-projection filtrée, GRETSI, Juan-les-Pins, France, 2017 [hal-01587192].
Y. Xu, Th. GÉraud et I. Bloch, Segmentation d’IRM de cerveaux de nouveau-nés en quelques secondes à l’aide d’un réseau de neurones convolutif pseudo-3D et de transfert d’apprentissage, GRETSI, Juan-les-Pins, France, 2017.
H. Bertrand, M. Perrot, R. Ardon and I. Bloch, Classification of MRI data using deep learning and Gaussian process-based model selection, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Melbourne, Australia, 2017, pp. 745-748.
A. Virzi, J.-B. Marret, C. Muller, L. Berteloot, N. Boddaert, S. Sarnacki and I. Bloch, A new method based on template registration and deformable models for pelvic bones semi-automatic segmentation in pediatric MRI, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Melbourne, Australia, 2017, pp. 323-326.
T. Evain, X. Ripoche, J. Atif and I. Bloch, Semi-automatic teeth segmentation in cone-beam computed tomography by graph-cut with statistical shape prior, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Melbourne, Australia, 2017, pp. 1197-1200.
I. Bloch, Topological relations between bipolar fuzzy sets based on mathematical morphology, International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM 2017), Fontainebleau, France, 2017, vol. LNCS 10225, pp. 40-51.
H. Urien, I. Buvat, N. F. Rougon, M. Soussan and I. Bloch, Brain lesion detection in 3D PET images using max-trees and a new spatial context criterion, International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM 2017), Fontainebleau, France, 2017, vol. LNCS 10225, pp. 455-466.
C. Muller, A. Virzi, J.-B. Marret, E. Mille, L. Berteloot, D. Grevent, Th. Blanc, N. Garcelon, I. Buffet, E. Hullier-Ammard, P. Gori, N. Boddaert, I. Bloch and S. Sarnacki, Towards building 3D individual models from MRI segmentation and tractography to enhance surgical planning for pediatric pelvic tumors and malformations, Surgetica 2017, Strasbourg, France, 2017, pp. 113-115.
Y. Xu, Th. GÉraud, E. Puybareau and I. Bloch, Brain MRI Segmentation using Fully Convolutional Network and Transfer Learning, ISEG MICCAI Workshop, Québec, Canada, 2017.
Y. Xu, Th. GÉraud and I. Bloch, From neonatal to adult brain MR image segmentation in a few seconds using 3D-like fully convolutional network and transfer learning, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), China, 2017, pp. 4417-4421.
H. Bertrand, R. Ardon, M. Perrot and I. Bloch, Hyperparameter optimization of deep neural networks: combining Hperband with Bayesian model selection, CAp, France, 2017.
S. Lobry, R. Fjortoft, L. Denis et F. Tupin, Détection de l’eau dans les images radar du futur satellite SWOT, GRETSI, Juan-Les-Pins, France, 2017 [PDF].
P. Riot, A. Almansa, Y. Gousseau et F. Tupin, Mesure de dissimilarité pour les patchs utilisant la corrélation, GRETSI, Juan-Les-Pins, France, 2017.
W. Zhao, S. Lobry, H. Maître, J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, Urban area change detection based on generalized likelihood ratio test, MultiTemp, Bruges, Belgique, 2017.
G. Sileno, I. Bloch, J. Atif and J.-L. Dessalles, Similarity and Contrast on Conceptual Spaces for Pertinent Description Generation, 40th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Dortmund, Germany, 2017, vol. LNAI 10505, pp. 262-275.
Y. Xu, Th. GÉraud, E. Puybareau, I. Bloch and J. Chazalon, White matter hyperintensities segmentation in a few seconds using fully convolutional network and transfer learning , BrainLes MICCAI Workshop and WMH Challenge, Québec, Canada, 2017, vol. LNCS.
H. Maître, Image and Aesthetics, The 13th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Chengdu, Sichuan, Chine, December 2016.
S. Rousseau et T. Boubekeur, Rendu de Monte Carlo Elastique, AFIG 2016, Lyon, France, Novembre 2016 [hal-01457211].
C. Barbanson, A. Almansa, Y. Ferrec and P. Monasse, Relief Computation from Images of a Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Interferogram Correction, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) Meeting,, Leipzig, Germany, November 2016 [PDF] [hal-01408927] [DOI 10.1364/FTS.2016.FM3E.6].
T. Boubekeur, P. Cignoni, E. Eisemann, M. Gosele, R. Klein, S. Roth, M. Weinmann and M. Wimmer, Harvesting Dynamic 3D Worlds from Commodity Sensor Clouds, Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Genova, Italy, October 2016 [PDF] [hal-01444896].
Y. Yang, R. De Aldama, J. Atif and I. Bloch, Efficient Semantic Tableau Generation for Abduction in Propositional Logic, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), The Hague, The Netherlands, September 2016, pp. 1756-1757.
B. Morel, Y. Xu, A. Virzi, Th. GÉraud, C. Adamsbaum and I. Bloch, A challenging issue: detection of white matter hyperintensities in neonatal brain MRI, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, USA, September 2016, pp. 93-96.
P. Riot, A. Almansa, Y. Gousseau and F. Tupin, Penalizing local correlations in the residual improves image denoising performance, Eusipco, September 2016.
G. Liu, J. Delon, Y. Gousseau and F. Tupin, Unsupervised change detection between multi-sensor high resolution satellite images, EUSIPCO, September 2016.
J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, Statistical models for SAR amplitude data: a unified vision through Mellin transform and Meijer functions, EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, August 2016.
Q. Hoarau, G. Ginholac, A. Atto, J. M. Nicolas and J. Ph. Ovarlez, Robust Adaptive Detection of Buried Pipes using GPR, EUSIPCO, Budapest, August 2016.
G. Terrasse, J. M. Nicolas, E. Trouvé and É. Drouet, Automatic localization of gas pipes from GPR imagery, EUSIPCO, Budapest, August 2016.
G. Terrasse, J. M. Nicolas, E. Trouvé and É. Drouet, Sparse decomposition of the GPR useful signal from hyperbola dictionary, EUSIPCO, Budapest, August 2016.
S. Lobry, L. Denis et F. Tupin, Un modèle de décomposition pour la détection de changement dans les séries temporelles d’images RSO, RFIA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Juillet 2016 [PDF].
A. Reshef, C. Riddell, Y. Tousset, S. Ladjal and I. Bloch, Dual-rotation C-arm cone-beam computed tomography to increase low-contrast resolution, 4th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, Bamberg, Germany, July 2016, pp. 427-430.
H. Sportouche, J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, Mimick Capacity Of Generalized Gamma Distribution For High Resolution SAR Image Statistical Modeling, IGARSS, Beijing, China, July 2016 [PDF].
S. Réjichi, F. Chaabane and F. Tupin, VHR Satellite Image Time Series Analysis Using Expert Knowledge Modeling And User Assistance, IGARSS, Beijing, China, July 2016.
S. Lobry, F. Tupin and L. Denis, A decomposition model for scatterers change detection in multi-temporal series of SAR images, IGARSS, Pékin, Chine, July 2016 [PDF].
S. Lobry, F. Tupin and R. Fjortoft, Non-Uniform Markov Random Fields for Classification of SAR Images, EUSAR, Hambourg, Allemagne, June 2016 [PDF].
F. Weissgerber, Resolution enhancement of polarimetric images using a high resolution mono-channel image, EUSAR 2016: 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Hamburg, June 2016.
M. Boughida and T. Boubekeur, Interactive Monte-Carlo Ray-Tracing Upsampling, Eurographics 2016 Poster Program, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2016.
P. Wang, X. Xu, B. Wang, L. S. Wang, Ch. Tu, X. Meng and T. Boubekeur, Efficient Point based Global Illumination on Intel MIC Architecture, Eurographics 2016 Poster Program, May 2016.
S. Ebrahimi, E. D. Angelini, L. Gajny and W. Skalli, LUMBAR SPINE POSTERIOR CORNER DETECTION IN X-RAYS USING HAAR-BASED FEATURES, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Pragues, Czech Republic., April 2016, pp. 180-183.
W. Meiniel, Y. Gan, Ch. P. Hendon, J.-C. Olivo-Marin, A. D. Laine and E. D. Angelini, Sparsity-based simplification of spectral-domain optical coherence tomography images of cardiac samples, EEE International Symposium on Biomedial Imaging, Prague, République Tchèque, April 2016, pp. 373-376 [PDF] [DOI 10.1109/ISBI.2016.7493286].
H. Urien, I. Buvat, N. Rougon, S. Boughdad and I. Bloch, 3D PET-driven multi-phase segmentation of menigiomas in MRI , International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’16), Prague, Czech Republic, 2016, pp. 407-410.
Y. Yang, J. Atif and I. Bloch, Abductive reasoning for image interpretation based on spatial concrete domains and description logics, Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle RFIA-CNIA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2016, pp. 191-198.
H. Urien, I. Buvat, N. F. Rougon and I. Bloch, A 3D hierarchical multimodal detection and segmentation method for multiple sclerosis lesions in MRI, MICCAI MSSEG Challenge, Athens, Greece, 2016, pp. 69-74.
C. F. Ocampo Blandon and Y. Gousseau, Non-local exposure fusion, ICIARP, 2016.
G. Liu, Y. Gousseau and G.-S. Xia, Texture Synthesis through Convolutional Neural Networks and Spectrum Constraints, icpr, 2016.
M. Lagarrigue, F. Rossant, I. Bloch, M.-H. Errera and M. Pâques, Segmentation of retinal vessels in adaptive optics images for assessment of vasculitis, International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Oulu, Finland, 2016.
J. Atif, I. Bloch et C. Hudelot, Quelques liens entre la morphologie mathématique et l’analyse formelle de concepts, 24ème Conférence sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, LFA 2015, Poitiers, France, Novembre 2015, pp. 299-308.
L. Beaudoin, L. Avanthey, A. Gademer, M. Roux and J.-P. Rudant, Dedicated Payloads for Low Altitude Remote Sensing in Natural Environments, GeoUAV, ISPRS GeoSpatial Week 2015, La Grande Motte, France, October 2015.
H. Maître, A Review of Image Quality Assessment with application to Computational Photography, SPIE MIPPR’15, Enshi, Hubei, China, October 2015, vol. 9811, n° 9811-23, pp. 23-38 [PDF].
F. Weissgerber, J. M. Nicolas, E. Colin Koeninger et N. Trouvé, Mesure de la dilatation thermique de la Tour Eiffel par interférométrie RSO differentielle, Gretsi, Lyon, Septembre 2015.
H. Sportouche, J.-M. Nicolas et F. Tupin, Capacites d’imitation de la loi Gamma Generalisee pour la modelisation statistique d’images radar haute resolution., GRETSI, Lyon, France, Septembre 2015.
D.-Ph. Vo and H. Sahbi, Contextual kernel map learning for scene transduction, International Conference on Image Processing, September 2015.
W. Meiniel, Y. Le Montagner, E. D. Angelini et J.-C. Olivo-Marin, Débruitage d’images biologiques à l’aide de l’acquisition comprimée, GRETSI, Lyon, France, Septembre 2015 [PDF].
H. Sahbi, CNRS TELECOM ParisTech at ImageCLEF 2015 Scalable Concept Image Annotation Task: Concept Detection with Blind Localization Proposals, CLEF conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, September 2015.
F. Weissgerber, E. Colin Koeninger, N. Trouvé and J. M. Nicolas, Comparison between spatial and temporal estimation of entropy on polarimetric SAR images, MultiTemps, Annecy, August 2015.
H. Legrand and T. Boubekeur, Morton Integrals for High Speed Geometry Simplification, ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS High Performance Graphics 2015 , Los Angeles, USA, August 2015, pp. 105-112 [PDF] [hal-01253669].
W. Meiniel, E. D. Angelini and J.-C. Olivo-Marin, Image denoising by adaptive Compressed Sensing reconstructions and fusions, SPIE Wavelets and Sparsity XVI, San Diego, USA, August 2015, vol. 9597 [PDF] [DOI doi:10.1117/12.2188648].
B. Wang, X. Meng and T. Boubekeur, Non-Diffuse Effects for Point-Based Global Illumination , ACM SIGGRAPH Poster, Los Angeles, USA, August 2015, pp. 80:1-80:1 [PDF].
S. Lobry, L. Denis and F. Tupin, Sparse + smooth decomposition models for multi-temporal SAR images, MultiTemp, Annecy, France, July 2015 [PDF].
I. Bloch and J. Atif, Hausdorff distances between distributions using optimal transport and mathematical morphology, 12th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2015, vol. LNCS 9082, pp. 522-534 [hal-01172192].
Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis, G. Ferraioli and F. Tupin, Combining patch-based estimation and total variation regularization for 3D InSAR reconstruction, IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July 2015.
G. Terrasse, J. M. Nicolas, E. Trouvé and É. Drouet, Application of the curvelet transform for pipe detection in GPR images, IGARSS, Milano, Italy, July 2015 [PDF] [hal-01187681].
P. Riot, F. Tupin and J. M. Nicolas, Markovian graph labeling for 3D reconstruction in dense urban area using SAR and optical images, IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July 2015.
S. Tabti, Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis and F. Tupin, Patch-based SAR image classification: The potential of modeling the statistical distribution of patches with Gaussian mixtures, IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July 2015.
H. Sahbi, Discriminant canonical correlation analysis for interactive satellite image change detection, International Geo-science and remote sensing symposium (IGARSS), July 2015.
Ch. Miloudi, L. Mugnier, J. Sahel, I. Bloch, F. Rossant and M. Pâques, Adaptive optics photoreceptor mapping: integration of photoreceptor scintillation by image fusion, Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO 2015), Denver, USA, April 2015.
E. Guy, P. Punpongsanon, T. Boubekeur, D. Iwai and K. Sato, LazyNav: 3D Ground Navigation with Non-Critical Body Parts , IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Arles, France, April 2015, pp. XX-XX [PDF] [hal-01444928].
W. Meiniel, Y. Le Montagner, E. D. Angelini and J.-C. Olivo-Marin, Image denoising by multiple Compressed Sensing reconstructions, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedial Imaging, New York, USA, April 2015, pp. 1232-1235 [PDF] [DOI 10.1109/ISBI.2015.7164096].
E. Benhaim, H. Sahbi and G. Vitte, Continuous visual speech recognition for audio speech enhancement, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2015.
F. Weissgerber, E. Colin Koeninger, N. Trouvé and J. M. Nicolas, Spectral method for bright scatterers resolution enhancement, POLinSAR, Frascati, Italy, February 2015.
A.-b. Abou-Elailah, V. Gouet-Brunet and I. Bloch, Detection of ruptures in spatial relationships in video sequences, International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods – ICPRAM, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2015, pp. 110-120.
S. Dahdouh and I. Bloch, Shape-based multi-region segmentation framework: application to 3D infants MRI data, SPIE Medical Imaging, Orlando, FL, USA, 2015, vol. SPIE 9413, pp. 941312-1 – 941312-9.
R. Gauriau, R. Ardon, D. Lesage and I. Bloch, Multiple template deformation. Application to abdominal organ segmentation, International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging ISBI’15, New York, USA, 2015, pp. 359-362 [hal-01152419].
N. Geeraert, R. Klaus, S. Muller, I. Bloch and H. Bosmans, Individualized calculation of tissue imparted energy in breast tomosynthesis , Optimisation in X-ray and Molecular Imaging 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2015.
M. Pâques, Ch. Miloudi, L. Mugnier, J. Sahel, I. Bloch, F. Rossant and S. Mrejen, The optical Stiles-Crawford effect strongly affects photoreceptor imaging in diseased retina, Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO 2015), Denver, USA, 2015.
A. Ralescu, I. Bloch and R. M. Cesar, Preliminary Study Towards a Fuzzy Model for Visual Attention, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015), Fuzzy Logic in AI Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
T. Evain, X. Ripoche, J. Atif and I. Bloch, Fuzzy “Along” Spatial Relation in 3D. Application to Anatomical Structures in Maxillofacial CBCT, 18th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), Genova, Italy, 2015, vol. LNCS 9279, pp. 271-281.
R. Gauriau, D. Lesage, M. Chiaradia, B. Morel and I. Bloch, Interactive Multi-Organ Segmentation based on Multiple Template Deformation, 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2015), Munich, Germany, 2015, vol. LNCS 9351, pp. 55-62.
Y. Li, I. Bloch and W. Shen, Handling inter-object occlusion for multi-object tracking based on attraction force constraint, International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), Niagara Falls, Canada, 2015, vol. LNCS 9164, pp. 520-527.
P. Irrera, I. Bloch and M. Delplanque, A landmark-based approach for robust estimation of exposure index values in digital radiography, 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2015), Munich, Germany, 2015, vol. LNCS 9350, pp. 627-634.
H. Morimitsu, R. M. Cesar and I. Bloch, Attributed Graphs for Tracking Multiple Objects in Structured Sports Videos, ICCV CVsports’15, Santiago, Chili, 2015, pp. 34-42.
Y. Yang, J. Atif and I. Bloch, Abductive reasoning using tableau methods for high-level image interpretation, German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI2015, Dresden, Germany, 2015, vol. LNAI 9324, pp. 356-365.
Last five years
Y. Tendero, I. Ciril and J. Darbon, A Simple and Exact Algorithm to Solve Linear Problems with l1 -based Regularizers, in VISIGRAPP 2018 – Extended and Revised Papers, Springer, 2019.
I. Bloch, Modèles symboliques pour la reconnaissance de structures dans les images médicales, in IDs’16 Extraction, Modélisation, Gestion de Connaissances, S. Ranwez, G. Dray, Presses des Mines, 2018, pp. 39-48.
Y. Xu, Th. GÉraud, E. Puybareau, I. Bloch and J. Chazalon, White matter hyperintensities segmentation in a few seconds using fully convolutional network and transfer learning, in BrainLes, A. Crimi et al., Springer, LNCS 10670, 2018, pp. 501-514.
U. Verma, F. Rossant, I. Bloch, J. Orensanz and D. Boisgontier, Segmentation of tomatoes in open field images with shape and temporal constraints, in Pattern Recognition, Applications and Methods, LNCS 9443, A. Fred et al., Springer, 2015, pp. 162-178.
A.-b. Abou-Elailah, V. Gouet-Brunet and I. Bloch, Detection of Abrupt Changes in Spatial Relationships in Video Sequences, in Pattern Recognition, Applications and Methods, LNCS 9493, A. Fred et al., Springer, 2015, pp. 89-106.
Last five years
I. Bloch, Modélisation de connaissances anatomiques pour l’analyse des images médicales, REE, Juillet 2015, vol. 3.
Last five years
I. Bloch, R. Clouard, M. Revenu and O. Sigaud, in A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research (P. Marquis, O. Papini, H. Prade, Eds), Springer, 2019, chap. Artifical Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Vision, Learning.
Ch.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis, G. Ferraioli and F. Tupin, in Mathematical Models for Remote Sensing Image Processing, Springer, 2018, chap. Mathematical models for very high resolution SAR data and their applications .
J.-P. Crettez, Les suppports de la géométrie interne des peintres : de Cimabue à Georges de la Tour, ISTE Editions, London, UK, 2017, pp. 535.
I. Bloch, in Skeletonization: Theory, Methods and Applications, Elsevier – Academic Press, 2017, chap. Fuzzy Skeleton and Skeleton by Influence Zones: A Review, pp. 71-87 [hal-01558737].
J.-M. Nicolas et F. Tupin, in Télédétection pour l’observation des surfaces continentales, Elsevier, 2016, chap. Les principes de reconstruction d’un MNT à partir d’images RSO.
J.-M. Nicolas and F. Tupin, in Micro-wave remote sensing of land surfaces, ISTE, 2016, chap. The Principles of DTM Reconstruction from SAR Images .
H. Maître, Du photon au pixel : l’appareil photographique numérique, 2eme édition augmentée, ISTE, Paris, 2016, pp. 425.
I. Bloch, in The Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis (N. Paragios, J. Duncan and N. Ayache Eds.), Springer, 2015, chap. Fuzzy methods in medical imaging, pp. 25-44.
T. Boubekeur, in Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality, CRC Press, New York, USA, 2015, chap. Mesh Reconstruction from a Point Cloud.
H. Maître, Du photon au pixel : l’appareil photographique numérique, ISTE Editions, London, Royaume Unis, 2015, pp. 434 [DOI ISSN : 978-1-78405-090-0].
H. Maître, From Photon to Pixel: The Digital Camera Handbook, Wiley-ISTE, London, Royaume-Unis, 2015, pp. 462 [DOI ISSN : 978-1-84821-847-5].
Last five years
H. Bertrand, Hyper-parameter optimization in deep learning and transfer learning, Télécom ParisTech, January 2019, n° 2019SACLT001.
W. Zhao, Multitemporal SAR images denoising and change detection – Applications to Sentinel-1 data, Télécom ParisTech, January 2019.
A. Virzi, 3D segmentation of pelvic structures in pediatric MRI for surgical planning applications, Télécom ParisTech, January 2019, n° 2019SACLT002.
X. Yang, Background Reconstruction From Multiple Images, Télécom ParisTech, December 2018.
G. Laurent, Modèles d’approximation pour l’éclairage global temps réel de scènes virtuelles haute résolution, Télécom ParisTech, Novembre 2018.
W. Meiniel, Développement et mise en oeuvre de stratégies d’échantillonnage comprimé pour le débruitage et l’acquisition d’images en microscopie à fluorescence et en tomographie en cohérence optique, Télécom ParisTech, Novembre 2018.
a. houdard, Débruitage d’images par patch, Télécom ParisTech, Octobre 2018.
A. Reshef, Dual-rotation C-arm cone-beam tomographic acquisition and reconstruction frameworks for low-contrast detection in brain soft-tissue imaging, Télécom ParisTech, September 2018, n° 2018-ENST-0044.
C. Barbanson, Correction of the effects of relief in airborne hyperspectral imagery, Télécom ParisTech, May 2018.
C. F. Ocampo Blandon, Patch-based Image Fusion for Computational Photography, Télécom ParisTech, April 2018.
Q. Oliveau, Modèles d’apprentissage pour la reconnaissance d’objets et de navires, EDITE, Avril 2018.
P. Riot, Blancheur du résidu pour le débruitage d’images, Télécom ParisTech, Février 2018.
H. Urien, Détection et segmentation de lésions dans des images cérébrales TEP-IRM, Télécom ParisTech, Janvier 2018, n° 2018-ENST-.
T. Evain, Nouvelles méthodes de segmentation en tomographie à faisceau conique dentaire, Télécom ParisTech, Décembre 2017, n° 2017-ENST-0066.
S. Lobry, Modèle Markoviens pour les images SAR : Application à la détection de l’eau dans les images satellitaires SWOT et analyse multi-temporelle de zones urbaines , EDITE , November 2017.
A.-M. Vintescu, 3D Copy-Paste: Consistent Parameterization of Triangle Meshes, Edite de Paris, June 2017.
M. Boughida, Factorisation du rendu de Monte-Carlo fondée sur les échantillons et le débruitage bayésien, Télécom ParisTech, Juin 2017.
G. Liu, Spatial statistics of local descriptors for texture modeling and change detection, Telecom PArisTech, April 2017.
G. Terrasse, Géodétection des réseaux enterrés par imagerie radar, EDITE, Mars 2017.
F. Weissgerber, Traitements cohérents d’images RSO multi-modes multi-resolutions pour la caractérisation du milieu urbain, EDITE, Novembre 2016.
Y. Yang, Image interpretation using logic-based abduction, Télécom ParisTech, October 2016, n° 2016-ENST-0063.
L. Avanthey, Acquisition et reconstruction de données 3D denses sous-marines en eau peu profonde par des robots d’exploration, Télécom ParisTech, Octobre 2016, n° 2016ENST0055.
S. Tabti, Modélisation des images par patchs pour leur restauration et leur interprétation Applications à l’imagerie SAR, Télécom ParisTech, Septembre 2016, n° 2016-ENST-0037 [PDF].
B. Morel, IRM du cerveau néonatal : Segmentation et analyse du signal, Télécom ParisTech, Juin 2016, n° 2016-ENST-0035.
G. Tartavel, Modèles variationnels pour les textures : applications à la synthèse et à la restauration , Telecom ParisTech, Avril 2016, n° 2015.
E. Guy, Interactions computationnelles pour la modélisation de formes 3D, Télécom ParisTech, Avril 2016.
Ch. Miloudi, Conception d’algorithmes innovants de traitement d’images d’optique adaptative chez l’homme, UPMC, Janvier 2016.
H. Morimitsu, A graph-based approach for online multi-object tracking in structured videos with an application to action recognition , Univ. Sao Paulo, October 2015.
S. Calderon, Morphologie Mathématique pour l’analyse et l’edition de formes 3D, Télécom ParisTech, Septembre 2015.
P. Irrera, Low dose X-ray image processing: Joint denoising and contrast enhancement, and automatic detection of anatomical landmarks for image quality estimation, Télécom ParisTech, June 2015, n° 2015-ENST-0031.
R. Gauriau, Shape-based approaches for fast multi-organ localization and segmentation in 3D medical images, Télécom ParisTech, June 2015, n° 2015-ENST-0032.
M. Gargouri, Caractérisation des Usagers de la Route par Imagerie Médicale : Extraction Fine des Paramètres Géométriques des Côtes à Partir de Volumes d’Images CT, Telecom ParisTech, Juin 2015.
X. Su, Exploitation of multi-temporal SAR series, Telecom ParisTech , March 2015 [PDF].
L. Schemali, Interaction, Edition et Visualisation Stéréoscopiques, Télécom ParisTech, Mars 2015.