Creepy human-like skin makes your phone ticklish and pinchable
19 October 2019
Press review
- BFM : Human Skin Phone Cases, Anyone?
- Boingboing : Mobile phone covered with synthetic human skin
- Creative Bloq : Fleshy iPhone skin is the stuff of nightmares
- Daily Mail : The fake-skin cover that makes your phone TICKLISH: Scientists create case that reacts like flesh when pinched and caressed
- DailyStar : Scientists develop ‘artificial skin’ for robots to ‘feel’ human sensations
- DesignBoom : Scientists develop faux-flesh to give touch devices a ‘skin-on’ interface
- Digital Trends : Phone case with artificial skin enables new input gestures, may fuel nightmares
- Digitin New : ‘Artificial Skin’ could change the way we interact with our smartphones
- FoxNews : These creepy artificial skin cases makes phones pinchable, ticklish
- Her : These artificial skin phone cases are the stuff of nightmares
- Independent (Ireland) : Just give me a tickle on the phone when you have a minute…
- Independant (UK) : Scientists create ‘artificial skin’ that could make smartphones ticklish
- Indianexpress : Scientists create artificial skin that could make a phone feel tickles and pinching
- iNews : Artificial human-like skin allows you to tickle or pinch your smartphone
- Mashable : Phone cases made of artificial human skin are 100% pure nope
- Metro : Scientists build ‘artificial skin’ interface that can be added to phones and laptops
- News Hub : Creepy’ human skin phone cover responds to touch
- News18 : Human Touch’: Artificial Skin Will Now Allow You to Tickle or Pinch Your Smartphone
- Science Daily : Artificial skin creates first ticklish devices
- Sky : The phone ‘skin’ that can ‘feel the user’s grasp’
- Standard : Bizarre ‘artificial skin’ makes mobile phones ticklish
- USA Today : Faux flesh phone cases: Does your device need a covering that feels like human skin?