
Post-quantum cryptography according to Mélissa Rossi


Mélissa Rossi interviewed by Duong Hieu Phan

Mélissa Rossi is a graduate of Télécom Paris (class of 2016), a cryptologist at CryptoExperts and a cryptography expert at ANSSI (French Cybersecurity Agency).

She gave a lecture on post-quantum cryptography to first- and second-year students at Télécom Paris, on January 28, 2025.

This lecture was followed by an interview conducted by Duong Hieu Phan, professor and researcher at Télécom Paris, during which Mélissa presented her training path up to her thesis, as well as her professional experience and missions as a cryptography expert at the ANSSI cryptography laboratory within the Expertise division.


it’s important for ANSSI or major groups such as Thales preserve their sensitive data upstream for 10, 20 or even 30 years in anticipation of potential retroactive attacks and the eventual arrival of the quantum computer.


I can only encourage young girls to study and work in the very promising field of cryptography!


ANSSI recommends the principle of hybridization. This combines current cryptography, which is not secure with regard to quantum computers, with brand-new post-quantum cryptography, which includes new algorithms to be tested and proven.

Security and sovereignty: Europe faces the challenge of post-quantum cryptography (video)

In French with English subtitles

Sécurité et souveraineté, l'Europe face au défi de la cryptographie post-quantique

Mélissa Rossi: from Télécom Paris to ANSSI (video)

In French with English subtitles

Mélissa Rossi : de Télécom Paris à l'ANSSI (vidéo)