IMAGES team projects

Fundings (2019-2024)

  • ANR projects : (PI for ALYS 2016-2020, ASTRAL 2022-2026, STAP 2018 2022, JCJC IDeGeN 2021-2024, JCJC SketchMAD 2023-2027, partner for Mistic 2019-2025, RHU TRT-cSVD 2017- 2024), project Digicosm MetaTracts (2017-2020)
  • European project AQTIVATE (interdisciplinary training program, 2023-2026)
  • CIEDS project ALIA (2023-2027)
  • Project Medical Research Council UK (2020-2023)
  • NIH US programs as partner (2014-2023, 2021-2025)
  • PhD grants from numerous national sources (Telecom Paris, IP Paris, IMT, Hi Paris!, AID/Onera, CNES, regional DIMs, UPSa IDI, etc.) and international calls (CSC China, Colciencias Colom- bia)

Awards (2019-2024)

Isabelle Bloch was awarded the Médaille de l’Académie des Sciences and the Prix Galien (to- gether with Sabine Sarnacki). Several papers won prizes, including the IEEE GRS Society Prize (2021), the 2nd place Student Paper Award of EUSAR (2022), the CFPT best paper award (2018), best student paper at CVPR workshop (2019), best paper WBIR (2022), best oral presentation at MICCAI workshop (2023). PhD theses produced by the team were also distinguished: first PhD Award of Fondation Mines-Télécom (S. Lobry, 2018), accessit for the PhD Prize of IDIA Department at IP Paris (E. Dalsasso, 2023).