Donation from and to the CRDN

There are 3 different ways to donate to the CRDN

Abri' bibBooks donation / Abri’Bib (2nd floor)

If you are a Télécom Paris student or staff you can donate books at the CRDN.
The librarians will sort the different books and put a sticker on the ones that will go to the « Abri’Bib ». You can take any book from the « Abri’Bib » and there’s no obligation to return them.

If you want to donate books at the library, you can bring them to us at the CRDN welcome desk.

Donation form (in french)


Abri' kioskMagazine donation / Abri’Bib (2nd floor)

The CRDN has a lot of journals subscription.
Most of them need to stay inside the library for about 6 months. After that, the librarians put them at the Abri’Kiosk. Those journals that are donated by the library has a sticker « Abri’Kiosk  » on them.
You can take any journals you want from the « Abri’Kiosk» and there’s no obligation to return them.

Dons journeauxNewspaper donation (next to the Logistique offices, behind the CRDN)

The CRDN has a lot of newspaper subscription.
Most of them need to stay inside the library for about 10 days. Afterwards, you can find them inside this shelf. You can take them and use them for whatever you want.